Sunday, January 5, 2025

December’s Finish and Holy Hanna Banana!!!

 Finally got my “Be My Neighbor “ by Moda done and I am floored, the picture doesn’t do it justice.  There are a number of places that give the pattern out for FREE!  That’s right, free.  It makes a twin size easily.

Got to tell you, this is definitely a double size quilt, and while quilting this baby (yes I quilted it myself) And this is the "Holy Hanna Banana" part!!!  I damage my shoulder.  Been doing physio for 3 weeks because I stretched my tendons and muscles moving this around on my home sewing machine.  That will teach me  lol.  But I love this one.  I used bamboo for the batting, my favorite because it takes my temperature, and I don't seem to ever get cold or hot in quilts that I use it with.  Excellent for hot flashes!

Then there was the table that needed a quick table top.  Found this on Sew Fresh, a wonderful designer from Ontario.  The blog seems to have ended but the tutorials and free sew a longs are still there.  The one below is in the tutorials.  I also did the Harry Potter Quilt A Long which was absolutely wonder!!!!!  Any fans out there?  I gave mine to a huge fan an I added a sashing of 2 1/2 inches to make it a queen size.  That girl is crazy about it!!!

I also did some painting, did some cards late, but could not mail them because of the postal strike, so I added them to gifts as another gift....  I hope the people loved them.  I made 5 more but didn't want to put them up because the people I gave them to follow this blog.

Next painting project?  Well it's going to be a big one because I joined the 100 day Challenge...  Yes, and I'm quite happy about it.  There is a section for not paying, but you can do it alone.  If you're curious about it there was a FAQ frequently asked question page that I've attached here for you here.

I am not sure about my project but I do want to learn about Pencil crayon drawing and water coloring mixing and I do have two classes that I've purchased and HAVE NOT started (I purchased them 2 years ago) so this gives me the incentive to start.

I'm not waiting until February, I've started two days ago.  I'm alternating between the two of them.  I've done a color wheel of the color pencils, and am now currently learning to mix colors with pencil crayons.  Wish me luck, every day for 10 minutes  lol....  I'll try.  Here's a couple of pictures that I want to try..

Pictures from Tofino.  Take care and have a great day.

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One Monthy Goal for March

 Well I have tons of different quilts that I need to finish or at least start when I've gathered everything up in a neat little package,...

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