Quilts of 2016, 2015, 2014

YEAR 2016 - 22 quilts so far as counted in October.

Another year and another season of fulfilling the promises of making quilts that I promised myself or someone else that I would do.  There's quite the list, and since I joined quilting Jetgirl with a list of what I want to accomplish I believe this will be my best year yet.  Here we go... ;)

Animals in the City - BOM with Quiet Paly


Two baby quilts - my own Design.
February, 2016

February, 2016

Love this one.  From QuiltMania - See the blog writeup here.  March 2016

There's a few more
March - tree quilt....  love this one.

Another baby quilt completed.

Cover for my sewing machine in April.  Mini completed as a pocket and added to a top cover.

Really a mini month - after Valentine's day in April

May was two of them.
Below is the quilting as you go quilt that turned out to be queen size.

I finally finished this other queen size quilt.  (in June I believe) So happy with this one.  Still on my bed.

June, ladybug quilt table top

June ironing on ribbon small table top quilt.

Also did another tree quilt of my mom's back yard in November

Finished the tea quilt...... in July...  This picture doesn't have the quilting but it's done.....  I promise   ;)

Above quilt finished and quilted.

25" x 25" quilt as part of the Row by Row by Road 17 N Quilt Shop in the town of Winkler, in Friendly Manitoba, Canada. 

In October I completed many (and started new ones as well).   Lap quilt for a great friend.

Paper pieced design  that I put on a pillow case, free online in October

Make one for myself and was done in October.

On for my cousin.  All completed in October.

This took less than an hour to finish when I started a month before.  Done in October.

Finished at the end of October.  Only had to add the edges (went crazy on the quilting), then quilt it all together.  King size quilt.

This was made in December for gifts

For my best friend Gro

A quilt bound for the Premie unit in a hospital.

I finished my block lottery quilt.  So happy how it turned out  :) 
All in December.

 YEAR 2015 - 17 quilts in total

I'm hoping this list will be big.  After signing up for 9 BOMs and 14 Crafty Classes, I plan to get a lot done this year.  Stay tuned.  (UPDATE - 16 this year)

January 10th, 2015 - 2 foot small quilted flowers

January 24th - Aurifil's Blogger's Mini Quilt Along. (see side button for link).
Mini Aurifil Valentine quilt.
Rug Mug - using only my stash for eveything.

Next one  ;)

February's two blocks that I completed.

2 table maps - 2 more to come

Falling Time - my own design.

Who's there.
March 10th and 11th.  Very busy week.  Made quite a bit.
Tried out the Curved ruler from "Sew Kind of Wonderful"

Wool Table topper - wanted some easy hand sewing.

Aurifil's Feburary mini - for my mother - St. Patrick's Day

Birthday gift for my Sister.

Now that was a lot.  But it was the start of Spring Break. 2015 (March).

March 28th - Curved ruler strikes again ;)

April 4th,, 2015 - Table mats to match table runner.

Using scraps to practice free style quilting.  Small hanging ((10" x 20") completed and quilted.

June 2015 - my quilt entry in the Colours Quilt Show- All hand appliqued.  Prairie Flowers Book by Barbara Brackman

August 29th, 2015 - Elephant Parade by Sew Fresh Quilts

Flannel on the back.  Lap quilt.

Aurilfill pattern for February.  Made it into a pillow.  Looks great.  Completed on August 29th, 2015

Got a few things done in August and September for my classroom.  Take a look:

September 27th - completed another quilt from:

October 14th - Busy day

Another pillow for the couch.  Look at the quilting.

Quilt for a premie baby for the guild.

Thanks Giving Table Runner - smaller one.  Practising my echo quilting.

For November

Halloween Applique.  Large lap quil

Jolly Minis - wall hanging.  Love the quilting on this one.

Getting so much better with my free style quilting.

And the final three things of the year in December

Craftsy class - spools

Cloth fabric bowls.

My mom's Christmas gift - circular table top of butterflies.

YEAR 2014 
In Total 24 quilts in 2014

January  2014 - missed the Christmas season, but I can easily use this next year.  Here it is, one of embroidery out of McCall's Quilting December 2013 book.  I had to do both angels first then started to follow the pattern but ran out of material so started to improvise.

Angels to Watch over you.

March 19th 2014 - Secret Santa Quilt given to me at School.
Secret Santa Quilt

March 19th, 2014 - Valentine's Quilt
Valentine Quilt

This quilting technique is called folded blocks.  I wanted to do more of them from the book 3D quilting.  See "Folded Blocks" to see the blog entries.  I did one on April 21st and June 27th, 2014.  Here are the pictures.

  It uses a lot of scraps and that's what makes it so perfect.

This one is my birthday quilt - Finished June 2014 - with 50 pieces of fabric for 50 years old.

 End of July 2014 I finished this table topper from the Block Lotto Extra Blocks.  Love the orange colour.

August 2014 - Using Thangles only.  This table topper was created from a donation bag I got at a quilting store.  It cost me only $7 and completed this beautiful topper.

End of August 2014 - This is my pride and joy so far.  Using a pattern from Aurifil (see the tags to follow the process) I created a bed runner.  The quilting took over 6 hours or more.  You forget how long the quilting was when it's completed ;)

November 2nd, 2014 -  and two more Blocks of a Month done.  The first one was no surprise at all and got me interested in Pixelated quilting.  The entire quilt is made of 2 1/2 inch squares.  Thanks to Quilt Doodle Doodles for putting together this quilt group.  The final quilt is definitely a seasonal quilt but one that is to be loved:

The snowmen are so cute.  It took me three days of solid quilting to finish quilting the entire things, but I did it, and I'm happy with no borders around the edge, just plain quilting.  Really shines.

AUGUST 2014 - did you notice the quilt under the one above?  Here it is, all done, with very tiny  pebble quilting by Material Girls - a free BOM online that was done only with 2 layer cakes, but in my case, I did straight material.  LOVE it!!  It's on the bed.

NOVEMBER 2014 - This next one was also started in January, with Pat Sloan.  She called it her Globe Trotter BOM.  I chose some Kauffman fabric that looked fantastic, gold thread throughout, purple, greens and browns.  I thought I would love it, and throughout the entire process I wasn't too pleased with it.  But in the last month I surprised myself when I started to put it together that I really did like it.  I wasn't going to put the strips around the entire thing, but then changed my mind and did.  This quilt was just quilted around the squares, simple quilting, because I did not want to take away from the fabric.  I apologize for not having a good picture with it, the fabric just wouldn't cooperate.  But here is the best pictures I had.  One more down.

NOVEMBER 2014 - Smaller Version for the FVQG guild challenge 24 x 24" quilt.

NOVEMBER 2014  black and white modern quilt.   This pattern is by Allie Health.  I saw it in Modern Patchwork Winter 2014 magazine. I really love it. 

Binded and quilted.

December 2014
Debbie Mumm's Quilt of Honor December 18th

12th Man Quilt for my husband.  December 23rd

Friends are Like Flowers - December 27th, 2014

January 26th, 2015 - Aurifil has changed their way this year so that you are not doing a block at a time, but a mini quilt at a time.  Here is Januarys.

February 9th - Husband had asked me to complete a wall hanging for a friend's new home gift.  So instead of one I made two.  Here they are:

Look at the quilting of the leaves one.

Febrary 8th - needed a break and I did a hand quilting table runner.  Completed on this date.

March - weekend of the 10th and 11th - was busy but happy.  February was another Aurifil day.  Made my mother a St. Patrick's day gift.
Aurifil - February

Practise the Curve ruler.
Table runners for my sister with napkins.


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One Monthy Goal for March

 Well I have tons of different quilts that I need to finish or at least start when I've gathered everything up in a neat little package,...

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