Monday, October 28, 2024

WIPs be gone....

 It always makes me laugh the different acronyms for sewing, computers, texting, etc. 

  • FQ: Fat Quarter (a piece of fabric measuring about 18 by 22 inches)
  • SID: Stitching in the Ditch (quilting along the seam line)
  • UFO: Unfinished Object (a project that is not completed)
  • BOM: Block of the Month (a subscription service that provides a new quilt block pattern every month)
  • B2B: Border to Border (a quilting design that covers the entire quilt top)
  • EPP: English Paper Piecing (a method of hand-sewing fabric pieces around paper templates)
  • FART: Fabric Acquisition Road Trip (a trip to buy more fabric)
  • HSY Haven’t Started Yet\
  • HD Project Half Done (does that makes my title, Judie Bellingham PHD.)
  • MGBTQ Must Get Back To Quilting
  • QAL quilt a long (I'm part of so many of them)
  • WIVSP Work in Very Slow Progress
  • TOAD Trashed Object Abandoned in Disgust
  • USO Unstarted Object  - so many of these, all the material collected and not cut....
  • STASH Special Treasures All Secretly Hidden.  Now that I cleaned up the storage and my room, my husband knows exactly how much I have so there's no longer a need to hide anything.
  • SABLE Stash Accumulation Beyond Life Expectancy.  Name a quilter that doesn't have this .  LOL (that means laugh out loud).
  • FART Fabric Acquisition Road Trip ( Both my husband and I have forbidden me to buy more fabric!)
  • TGIF Thank God It’s Friday is the usual acronym but quilters like Thank God It’s Finished.
  • WWIT What Was I Thinking?  A couple of patterns like this.  One was a covid one that I'll never do now.
  • And finally WOMBAT Wast of Material, Batting and Time (Have a few of these!!!).

 I can never keep them straight, and add new ones all the times.   I have always been part of the OMG (one more gone) club, and now the WIPs (work in progress) one.  The WIP is part of  Leanne at Devoted Quilter.  It's for October and November only and my list is made, with quite a few of them on it.  So it's not one more thing (OMT) to my list, it's a challenge for two months, and so far for October I've completed a lot.  

  • 3 pillow for the sofa
  • 1 small pod
  • catching up on "In my neighborhood" and
  • addition to a quilt that was too small.
I also with the cleaning have found at least 6 more small projects that need to be completed and a couple of quilts to fix into larger quilts.  I'm on my way.  These are in no particular order:

  1. one large pod
  2. house row by row
  3. bees row by row
  4. 2 pillows for bed
  5. 1 pillow cover for the bench for Christmas
  6. wool jacket
  7. brown Swade pants
  8. black pants already cut out.
  9. applique tea cozy
  10. black and white table top
  11. two pillow covers for the sofa
  12. complete the In My Neighborhood BOM
  13. catch up with the Cozy Holidays QAL
  14. Add addition to the fall quilt to make it into a queen size quilt.
I plan on having a couple of these done tonight since my husband is watching hockey tonight.  Have a great day sewing...

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