OMG Quilts to Complete

This page is for me and not for the reader, because after a while it is a full time job to keep track of all the patterns you've bought, all the kits that are calling your name to complete.  This is a list of some of those kits and those patterns.

It's been a while since I've updated this list and truthfully, with the purchases of many BOM patterns there is quite a bit to update, but I like to go through the list every once in a while to cross off the ones I'm definitely not doing, mark in red the onces that I have done, and add a few more that I've bought and gotten the material for.  That's the update.

If you look through the list you will see some that you may be interested in, and it says the date that I've completed the work, so that helps you get in what you want to see.  The easier way is to use my tag system that I'm very big on.

The following is a key on the sizes of the projects:
W - wall  - size
L - lap size - 50 or over
T - twin - oversized lap 50 or over by 70 or over
Q - Queen - 85 x 100
K - King size - 100 or over

Here's the list
1.  2014I began collecting the pattern pieces for "In the Garden BOM," a paper piecing project from Quilt Art Designs, created in 2014.Quilting Garden BOM paper piecing by Quilt Art Designs.   The Block of the Month (BOM) used to be free, but it now requires payment. Her other creations are quite impressive. Check out her BOM section and the available ebooks. 

2.  In 2014, I received a BOM named Garden Gathering from my mother, a gift purchased at Carriage Country Quilts, a beloved quilting shop in Washington. The applique detail is remarkable. The design, featuring triangles, differs from the image and will likely be a lengthy project due to its wool and fabric composition. The wool forms the circles, while the background and applique are a pink-on-brown combination of flannel and wool. It's an adorable design, but I'm hesitant to start. I also have another project from Carriage Country Quilts, which is entirely fabric and handmade.

The border is different, it's triangles.  

3.  Swoon quilt by Camille Roskelley  Thimble Blossoms.   Camille Roskelley is a wonderful designer and you can see what she does on her blog Simplified at .

4. When I saw this book  I just had to have it.  Really want to do a full quilt with all that paper piecing.  Love the look of it and love what it would look like in the end.  You can make a complete town from this book.  There are 16 projects with accurate paper piecing and each chapter comes up with a different theme, one even with cabin style.  It has wall quilts, table runners, place mats and even pillows.  Excited to try it.  Take a look, the book is from Martingale and you can see the quilts inside here.....

5. L   Carpenter's Star both material and pattern from the internet.

5. W Maestro - Birds on a pier - only the pattern.

6.  W - Home Tweet Home - McKenna Ryan - 9 blocks. - have all the blocks from a friend.  Two are completed.
7.  L - Any of the One Block Wonders from "Sew One and Your Done" book - have material and pattern
8.  Q - Blue Water with Cat tails Quilt - material and pattern from Magazine.   Gave it up
9.  Star Quilt from the FVRQ Guild - I just need to finish two more blocks, and the centre one which is a real terrifying one to look at.
10.  L - House Quilt - both pattern and material.  Have one block completed.  Gave it up
11.  L - Glass Window Quilt - hand dyed material and the patterns - a 12 month pattern
12.  L - Scrap Happy Sampler from IQuiltModern.  Excellent store with really great, modern quilts.  Take a look. Love this one, with blocks that I've never tried before.  Very excited.

13.  Q - Star TrekPixelated Quilt - Spock - my own design to try.  Have the material - gold and silver.
14. L -  Pixelated Eye quilt.  Have the material and the pattern.  Partly cut.
15.  Q - Pixelated quilt of my husband (made the pattern)
16.  Modern quilt BOM - have the pattern.
17 .  Sew Kind of Wonderful Sew Along - got pattern book and one quilt completed, but never made every single one of this BOM.  12 different blocks in it.
18.  Q - Sew Kind of Wonderful Navaho quilt with mini ruler.  Have the ruler, and the material
19.  Sew Kind of Wonderful Book - want to make the flowers in the pot quilt.  I have two books, that I could do every pattern in.  But need to choose one.
20.  L - Modern Crossroads by Madeleine Roberg in Easy Quilts Spring 2013 magazine.  Got the pattern and material.  Need to cut it now.
21.  T - Beach quilt.  Got some of it done, but not all.
22.  L - Sew Emma Snapshot Quilt - did two blocks, but I don't like the material so I need to find more.
23 - L - Dog quilt.  have fabric and pattern. - Done for Scott before he passed away
24.  Q - Driesdon Craftsy - have material and pattern.  Need to start
25 - Q - Up North Pattern.
26.  Q - Animal quilt Pattern
27 - L - Amsterdam
28 - Crazy Barn Applique from two sisters.  have pattern, material have started, half way through it.  Two more blocks to do)
29.  L - Frog quilt, have pattern.
30.  L - Pink pin wheels, material, pattern, and partially completed.
31 - T - Chinese circle.  Material and pattern. DONE - gave to Martha
32.  L - Dash Squares in the tin box - pattern and matterial.  Got it back from the Tin Club.  Many done, need to finish about 16 more and put the quilt together
33.  Q Row by Row American side and Canadian side - all patterns, all material.  ALL DONE
34.  Q Squares with Hexagons - pattern, material, need to start. Done.  Donated.
35.  Q Circle quilt from Craftwsy.  Material red, I bought the special ruler but I need to buy the material now because I used the old one.
36 Q BOM - buckets - paper  piecing as well.  on Craftsy.  Need to start.
37.  L - stain glass BOM . The oldest.  Have the kit, pattern, everything, need to start.
38.  L House BOM.  Have the material, the pattern, need to start.
39. Q - Hand appliqué old fashion girl on white, with squares of color.  top for queen quilt. Bought the applique.
40.  Q - Girl on a farm - applique that I am designing - Some material - need to continue/finish
41.  L - Blue HST's - all HSTs done, did as pillow  DONE 2023
42.  W - Big city/town pattern.  No material, but I have the pattern.  Very modern.
43.  L - Tractor quilt with barns to complete. It's part of the Farm Girl Sampler by Lori Holt.  I purchased the book. Have some material.  
44.  T - circular birds - have pattern only.  Want to do this one with extra material I have and scraps.
45.  Q- Apple Quilt - have all the material and the Thangles to do the quilt.  Need to Finish.
46.  Pixelated Marilyn Monrol. - pattern only
47.  Q- Star Quilt from the FVRQ Guild - have the material and the patterns.  Have all done but the last 3 starts and then the big middle one.  Need to Finish.
48 L - Skeleton quilt from "Dare to be Square".  Material and some of it cut.
49 - NEW W - Portrait quilt on Craftsy's class - no material yet.
50  NEW W Landscape quilt class on Craftsy's Class ( material and course work - just ready to start).
51.  New Wall.  Freedom - Canadian Eagle.
52 - New Wall - tea time given to my by my bestfriend.  Done in Februarys 2020
53 - New Craftsy Bears - pattern and some of the material in browns.  Done in February 2020  
54 - New Craftsy Deers - pattern and some of the material in browns. DONE - 2022 Gave to Allan.
55.  Queen -  Summer Sampler 2017 - joined online - blocks developed by many different quilters.  many blocks completed but not all the 100   DONE 2021

56.  Queen - Conversation quilt BOM - starts 2019 January.  2021 DONE for Marc's wedding
57.  L - HST BOM - material and pattern started in 2019.
58.  L - Quilt Doodle BOM Garden Party 2019 - have scraps, and all patterns, finished about 9 of them and still have about 5 to complete.
59.  W - Zen Chic flying geese - all sewn and need to quilt it.  DONE
60.  L - Missouri quilt modern. - doing it in red and white.
61 L - scrappy 2 1/2 inch squares to make Irish chain.  All from scraps.
    DONE gave to Nancy.  Queen
62. L -  Purple stars - material and pattern.
63.  Q - paper piece black and white
64.  W - Flower dress dummy - start with this pattern before I do the next.  DONE in March 2020 for me
65.  W - Flower Truck (got material and pattern)  DONE in 2023 for me
66.  Q - Blue and yellow big star quilt (have all material from Craftsy.  Need to complete it.
67 - W - Cow strip quilt,
68 - L - horse - have the material and the pattern.  Done.  Gave to Nancy
69 - Northern Animals - have the pattern.
70 - Canadian Animals - have pattern
71 - Paper piece african animals - have the pattern.
72 - Barn door - Flamingos - have pattern and material and some cutting done. 2019
73 - Barn door - Alpaca's to complete - pattern only - 2019
74 - Sew Incredible Time for all Seasons - 2019 - all blocks but 6 done, and some are quilted.  Using quilt as you go.  COMPLETED JANUARY 2020
75 - Conversation BOM - started in 2019 - got material, everything.  Done Marc has it a year ago 2021 for his wedding.
76 - HST Modern BOM - 2020 - got material and did 3 blocks.
77 - HST blocks 2019 - got material but haven't started new way of doing HSTs

Craftsy Courses to complete:

  • Fabric painting with Annette Kennedy
  • BOM 2015 by Jinny Beyer - Have fabric for baskets.
  • Mastering Foundation Paper Piecing with Carol Doak 
  • Free Motion Quilting a Sampler with Leah Day (to finish off  my 2012 BOM that I completed with Amy Gibson   DONE
  • Pre-cut Piecing Made Simple with Camille Roskelley - DONE ONE!!
  • Piece, Patch, Quilt with Gail Kessler
  • Playful Piecing Techniques with Camille Roskelley - DONE TWO OF THEM!!!
  • Block of the Month 2013 with Laura Nownes - have fabric
  • Block of the Month 2016 
  • Quilting Big Projects on a small machine with Ann Petersen - Done 2022 
  • Creative Quilt Backs with Elizabeth Hartman  DONE
  • Stack and Wack Quilting

That's it.  Do you think that's enough???

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