Quilts 2020 to 2025

QUILTS 2025 

Be my Neighbor by Moda.  january

Swap for Modern Quilts Club - February
Table Topper for next Christmas by SewFresh January
Wedding Quilt by SewFresh. February

QUILTS 2024  (15 so far)

Miss you buddy



October  Row by row.  Gave to Tracey

September - for book club.  Paper piece.


September pillow

September - my design

Love and Peace - Ukraine Quilt - June

Oriental Quilt

Fixed this quilt.  Added more flowers.  I like it now.

On my bed - from R & B

For Denaugh.

Green Kitchen Sink

Back of Quilt

Dress that was in a bag, to finish it and hem.

QUILTS 2023 (16 quilts)

July, and August (because I don't know which is which)

My Design

Mug Rug

Table top or once more a quilt for the bottom of your bed, a bed runner

Riley Blake BOM 2023 bed runner

Kitchen Sink by She Can Sew 2021 BOM

For my niece, baby quilt for her new one.

My Design

March - Away for 3 weeks at my mom's


For my dear friend Nancy, the quilt I promised two years ago (yes those darn squares were small)


Pillow native whales

Camping Quilt
for my dear friend Renee who lets me stay in her camper

Stat Wars wall quilt

Tabletop thanksgiving 

QUILTS 2022 (2 quilts - work busy)

January - I'm keeping it
February - Given away to an artist.

QUILTS 2021 -13 quilts

With Covid and the lack of time to get things done, I'm hoping for at least 12 quilts done this year.  I'm on the way, but I really need to get going this summer and to stop giving up quilting when I get too busy.

Not sure about the order that I made these because I didn't keep track but here it is:

My design
Conversation Quilt https://www.annemariechany.com/

  My COVID Crumb Quilt

The Garden my design

2020 Murder Mystery Quilt

Quilt Doodle BOM
Romantic Paris - gave it to my Aunt for her birthday.
SewFresh - her fish quilt, comes in this size.  My barn door.
Left over baby quilt given to a girl at my school who’s pregnant and in our department.
For Sheila for a house warming gift.
Annie’s mystery quilt 2021 - for me
Quilt Doodle 2020.  Love the sunny quilt.  can't give it up


The goal is to make at least 20 quilts this year, two a month.  So here we go, hoping to attain the goal....


Sew Incredible Seasons BOM

Tea Party - Quilt store at Grandville Island


Zen Chic  - flying birds.  On my wall up in the loft.

Premie quilt for the hospital made of scraps.

Two more.  This one was a gift that ended up in Spain

and this one was from SewFresh, a free quilt pattern on her site, to make up for the small one above to the same person in Miami, Florida.


Premie quilt for the hospital made of scraps.
 Premie quilt for the hospital made of scraps.

Table topper and placemats for my table.

Pink Lemonade  - pattern I found 7 years ago.

Quilt as you go table topper

laura heine collage patterns - Sewing Dummy

Cover for my Daybook for Home

Pat Sloan and the gang, their first book 6" squares.  Added the alternating squares to make it 8" squares.

Quilt as you go table topper, made out of scraps.

May -

None, was busy trying to do 3 UFOs, and go none done.  But June they should be finished.

June and July

To Nancy, a gift from Renee and I

August & September to finish these both.

2nd Paint job.
French Frog Wedding
Oh Deer! for Allan, the poor dear.


It's a queen.  And the row by row for 2015.


2014 table runner.

Annie’s Mystery Quilt

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One Monthy Goal for March

 Well I have tons of different quilts that I need to finish or at least start when I've gathered everything up in a neat little package,...

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