Sunday, November 17, 2024

Joining a modern swap.

 Got my info, got my partner, got my swap fairy, and ready to go.  Been looking at fabric (great to have an excuse to look at fabric in shops again), and some designs.  Starting to get plenty of ideas for a 24 by 24 wall hanging modern look.  Excited.  Looking at mute pastel colors, something I don’t typically work with, so I need to tone myself down.  I love trying new things.

As for my WIPs in process, been continuing to clean and finish some stuff.  I have more blocks done for the  neighborhood quilt, just 3 left.  I also have completed a Canadian Eagle Quilt pillow that you’ll see later when I can get pictures up, and another square for my winter quilt.  But I’m away right now in Manitoba, and working a full week when I get back.  I’ll have to wait for sewing the first of December.  Take care all.

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