Sunday, November 27, 2016

Able to Sew!!! Yeah!!!

Well, it's been a pretty bad week, I had not one but two severe allergy attacks, which completely knocked me sideways.  You ready to give me sympathy???  I'm allergic to chocolate.  Yes, you read it right, I'm allergic to chocolate.  It use to only give me a headache, but now it closes my throat, makes it hard to breath, and even gives me a headache, and makes me dizzy.  Not a pretty thing to see.  

I left work on Tuesday because it was that bad, the Home Ec. Department at school cooked with chocolate powder and it went everywhere, the powder, even up the stairs to the second level which is where I'm at.  I walked through the powder, not realizing there was chocolate in the air, and my voice started to change, my throat started to swell, eyes watering and itchy, the whole thing, and it was too late to take my allergy pills (which use to work and help).  First aid came to help, the doors to the Home Ec. rooms were closed, and the vents for the area were turned on to clear the air.  

I took one day off because quite frankly, anyone who has gone through a sever attack knows, you feel really funny and off for about five days, but I was willing to go in on Thursday to see what the heck was going on in my classroom, and low and behold, I got a second attack, throat closing, eyes watering, etc.  So a couple of allergy pills took some of it away, but sick again.

I did go in on Friday, and it wasn't so bad, but here it is Sunday, and still feeling strange.  My husband told me to take it easy and do some sewing, and that's exactly what I did all Saturday afternoon.  And here are the results:

# 80, 78, 77, 74 and 73 (not shown in that order0.

My Favorite one.

The least favorite one - hate my color choices.  Need to redo.

So far there has been 83 blocks.  I think I have about 30 done.  Need to step it up  :)

Here are some quilts for premie babies.  My guild does a number of them every year.  My contribution for this year.  I promised to give me more, and I've only done two this year.  Here will be two more.

Love the pirate theme.  The pattern is by Camille Roskelley.  It's 36" x 36"
It's from the book "Simply Retro".  This pattern was so simple and so quick.  So if you need a Christmas gift, this is the one.

Finally, another block for my Midnight Garden BOM.  I'm more than 1/2 way through it.
Loving the wool colors.  What do you think?

And this is something I did about two weeks ago for a friend who requested one of my boxes.  I love making them but they do take a lot of time.  This one is lined with plastic so it's tougher than most.

Not the best job with the edging, but it was so thick, it was really hard.  Next time I do it by hand.

That's it my relaxing day of sewing.  Next time, quilting those two baby quilts and making a quilt for my hairdresser for Christmas.  Take care

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