Friday, September 29, 2017

Completed my Goal for September!

Between throwing out my back, and starting school, it's been a terrible September!!!  For the past week I can hardly move because of a vertebrate out in my back.  It has stopped me at work (been off about 5 days now), it has stopped me from sleeping, and I'm on painkillers now.  The only thing that's making it a little bearable is the sewing.  I can't start a new project, or do a lot of quilting, but I am able if I take my time, to finish a few things.  And luckily that was the goal that I chose, to complete my row by row quilt.  All the rows were finished, it was just to sew them together that I was working on.  Here is what it looked like before:

All the rows (and there were more than I chose from) were lose, some had to be stitched down.  Then there was the dark blue batik to use for in between.  Each row is 9 1/2 by 33 1/2 so I could use two and just line them up, but that would be a little boring.  Instead I decided to use some on the side, and to add some of the fabric that did go with the row by row in 2015.  I found some of the fabric for sale now that it's two years old.  That made it easier to make, and to use some of the actual material for backing as well.  I practically bought the bolt of fabric. 

So in the end this was my results:

The flower on the lillypad is 3D.  The shower one I only got the pattern because the material was too bright for anything to match, so I bought a small charm pack and used those and used scrap material for the umbrellas.  Tom's Sewing was where I got the puddle one, a quilting store in Surrey BC, where I live.  All the rest are so old, I'm not sure where I got them.  i was organized before the move but now my row by rows are everywhere and I'm trying to organize them again, since I have two years of them.  :) 

But goal completed.  And I'm very satisfied with the quilt.  I'm using it right now resting on the couch.  


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, I love your quilt as well. What a difference your changes made.

  2. The quilt turned out wonderful. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

    1. Thank you Patty. I appreciate the positive support.


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