Friday, September 29, 2017

Sewology Block of the Month

OK, I couldn't resist.   And it just started this month, so I need to look through all my stash to find some material for this one!!!  It's from the Pen and Paper Pattern's blog.  You can get the pattern at Craftsy, either month by month or the entire pattern that they add once a month to your pattern area.  The final quilt is about 70 * 84, a great size and the pattern is adorable.  Check it out to the side.  Love it because it's all about sewing.

It is recommended that we get organized with the following:
  • small 3-ring binder
  • sheet protectors to protect the patterns.
  • Page tabs to sub divide it (I'm not that organized.
  • and I recommend an accordion area to keep the material all together.
The intro gives you all the fabric you will need and even the colors that I'll try to follow as close as possible.  But I will be waiting for each pattern in the months to come.  The first one - the thread.  There are 11 in total and I guess the last one is how to sew it all together.  

So I'm off to pick my colors.  I'm going to use Konan fabric.   Looking at using up a lot of my own stash.  

This is my 2nd block of the month this year.  And I finished the first one, so I'm in great shape.  Follow along with the label #Sewology.


  1. Oh, this is very tempting. So cute! What quilter wouldn't love to have a quilt like that?

    1. Thanks Lisa Marie, although I already have about 10 quilts of my own, this one I'm definitely keeping :)


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