Saturday, March 3, 2018

Another OneMoreGoal completed - OMG!!!!

Well, I did not do very well on last month's goal.  I did completed one of the blocks and I did do a couple of other goals, but no, I did not complete it.  So here I am making another goal for this month, the month of March.  And which one will it be?

Finish what I didn't do last month?  The quilt of flowers?  I have all blocks done this time, but I need to do the green and black squares around the entire quilt...

It also will need to be hand quilted.  The secret garden for my bed.   

Or then again there is the door panel that I have partially completed and with spring coming I would like something a little green for my door entrance way????  I'll need two panels that are 6 feet high as curtains for my entrance way into my sewing room.  The background is tan, and both sides will have leaves.  Would love that done......

Or my goal could be to complete the machine quilting on my aunt's quilt.  1/w done.  I promised myself that I would do 4 blocks a week which would get it finished (because I always do more than four).  But it's not something I can do all in one sitting because of my problems with my hips at this point.

Or finish the two baby quilts that I have started, following the Midnight Quilter on Craftsy.  That one is from two and a half inch strips.  It's suppose to look like the picture below:

since the teacher who is pregnant at our school is leaving soon, I think it's the last one that's on the list.  The Midnight Quilt Show "All Roads Quilt Pattern, which is free by the way on Craftsy.  Check it out.  Have fun with me.


  1. It is always so difficult to choose when there are so many wonderful projects to work on!!! I didn't finish my goal from last month either, wishing us both better luck for March!

    1. Hi Carrie. I agree, it's difficult to decide which one to do. I wish you luck on finishing yours. I'm so determine to finish mine, I am already half way through it. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Not sure which one of those turned out to be your goal for OMG - Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck on your project!

    1. Hi Patty: Looking at the two baby quilts from the pattern by the Midnight Quilter. The last one, with all the colors. Already got the pieces all sewn except for one. Doing great at it so far.... Thanks for visiting.


One Monthy Goal for March

 Well I have tons of different quilts that I need to finish or at least start when I've gathered everything up in a neat little package,...

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