Sunday, April 1, 2018

1st Quarter of the 2018 Finish-A-Long Finishes.

The 2018 Finish-A-Long really does help me to organize and push myself to complete many of my UFOs (unfinished objects) and believe me there are many of them.  So I am trying to follow She Can Quilt who iss  continuing to do a 2018 finish a long which is made up in quarters.  It's a low pressure community group that encourages you to make a list of projects that have already been started but need to be finished, and boy, do I qualify for that!  

As I explained in a different blog post you link up at the beginning of a quarter and then at the end of the quarter you link up a link for each item on your list that you finished. Each link is an entry into the random draw for great prizes sponsored by our generous sponsors. There is no penalty for not finishing something on your list but the rewards are great, from material to patterns to gift cards.  The encouragement is tremendous.  And I'm really in good shape this term because I really like the Finish-A-Long.

This term it's all about finishing and not starting a new one until I clean my desk up.  Sometime even though it looks organized and it WAS organized, it gets out of hand, especially when you're Attention Deficit.  I have trouble concentrating on one thing at a time.  Well, it's great for me to work on more than one project because I get bored quickly.  But with the amount of quilts I have going right now, I need to stop, and get some of them done now.   I made a promise two years ago of not buying without finishing two quilts to get the numbers down.  I was doing great, then for some reason I started again (three BOMs this year and I know I need to stop now) so listing what I will complete will definitely help get me get back on track.

So what have I completed?   Here they are.  Only two of them, but they've been on my list a number of times and I'm very pleased with finishing them.  I also have a couple of others that were on the list but not fully completed, so they're going on the next quarter, and should be completed quickly.  Here they are:

(1)  My Vice Versa quilt which is 5 years old, and all pieced blocks.  But not together.  The quilt project is from the Sister Sampler quilts by AnnaMarie Chany. It's a wonderful book, with three different samplers you can do with friends.  It looked like a big mess (see below) but it's done now...  And on my bed.  The before:     

(2)  I said that I wanted to make a quilt using 2 and a half inch strips for a quilt for the back of my couch.  I had the strips in grays and browns in batik so I was looking for a square around a smaller square.  Well I finished that quilt as well in January, an extra with my OMG (one monthly goal) quilt.  Here's what it looks like and you can see the blog entry here...
Exactly where I wanted it hanging.

Hot the design I wanted but one that worked out really well

But there are a few extra that were not part of my goal.  The Midnight quilter's quilts for premature babies (when I saw this quilts online for free at Craftsy, I just had to complete it.  It's called All Roads Quilt Pattern and this is the link to it.  But make sure you're logged into Craftsy to get it.

There's two of them.  I need to make sure quilts for the premature babies at the Vancouver Hospital, I wanted to make one a month, but I'm a little behind  :)   This will make three (did one previously) and I'm still three behind.  But looking great.  

That's it.  All done.   Good work for all of this so far.  I'm pleased.  Hooking up to the quarterly settings with She Can Quilt. for 2018 Finish-A-Long


  1. Congratulations on your finishes. Your Sisters Sampler before and after tells it all. I'm so glad to hear that the linky party was helpful in getting things done. And on behalf of all our hosts, thank you for joining in the Finish-A-Long!

    1. Thank you for doing all this work to put on the Finish-A-Long. It has really helped to finish so many of my projects that I start and just put to the side. With full time work, I try to slip in sewing anywhere I can. :)


One Monthy Goal for March

 Well I have tons of different quilts that I need to finish or at least start when I've gathered everything up in a neat little package,...

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