Sunday, April 1, 2018

OMG completed for March.

My goal was to complete a baby quilt and I did better then one baby quilt. I did two from the Midnight Quilter on Craftsy (you have got to check it out!!!)  Here's the video and the pattern (FREE) is on Craftsy.

The results is a finished OMG for March!!!  And pictures of the completed two quilts.

Love the heart.

And same quilt pattern, but different arrangement for a different quilt.

Hooking up to One Monthly Goal.  But  darn!!! Missed the deadline, but that's OK.  So pleased that I got it done!!!!  I am on a role!!!


  1. So pretty! Hard to choose which layout I like best!

    1. The great news Lisa Marie is the pattern is free!! It's on Craftsy and if you type in Midnight Quilter on YouTube you'll see all the quilts she makes and all the patterns are free on Craftsy from the Midnight Quilter> you have to take a peek to see which famous quilter is the quilter. She's hilarious.


One Monthy Goal for March

 Well I have tons of different quilts that I need to finish or at least start when I've gathered everything up in a neat little package,...

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