Monday, May 7, 2018

Just under the wire for OMG!!!

Got to get this done fast, and considering my busy schedule, I'll be lucky to get it in - have 3 hours to do so....

It's easy to decide which of my UFOs to do this month, because my husband is complaining about how we only have one door for the quilted barn doors made and you can see into my sewing room. I never got around to the second one.

This weekend I got around to cutting out the rest of the strips, and making a few more curves using the Sew Easy Curved ruler (I love that thing and considering I can't do a curve without it - it's worth it's weight in gold), and I'll be on my way.  But the quilting in the first one is going to kill me, so I'll need the time to do the leaf quilting on the leaves and the spirals on the rest.  It will be at least two more weekends for me.  

Hooking up to OMG (One Monthly Goal) at Elm Street Quilts.


  1. Your leaves look wonderful! Glad you made it in time!

    1. Thanks Lisa Marie, and thanks for stopping by. I'm really excited to finish this one, I started yesterday for an hour, did an hour this morning, off to work, and hoping to have the pieces all attached by this weekend to quilt. I love this OMG club for motivation. Don't you? :)

  2. I love all the greens in your leaves. That's a great technique to use the Sew Easy Curve ruler for the leaves. I'll have to try it out!

    1. The ruler is from Sew Kind of Wonderful, they have great patterns and two books, both I bought at amazon. Here's their address and the ruler comes with a pattern for a table top, which I have made two of.

  3. What a cool idea. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project.

    1. Can't take the credit Patty, for the pattern, but the idea of the doors is mine. You can see the last doors I made from the 150th Canadian Quilt on my blog at but it's not a great picture. I'll have to take a new one. Thanks for stopping by.


One Monthy Goal for March

 Well I have tons of different quilts that I need to finish or at least start when I've gathered everything up in a neat little package,...

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