Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Missed a quilt.....

I forgot to blog about a quilt that I finished about two weeks ago and have already shown my quilt.  It was touch and go to finish this one.  I got the pattern and material in 2015 from a shop that was suppose to teach me how to do the wool (I just loved the pattern), and they closed.  A wonderful shop in Fort Langley.  It seems all the small quilt stores are closing, and that's too bad.  Quilting hopefully is not a dead art.  With Quilt Con coming here in Vancouver it will  certainly revive the art otherwise.  

Anyways, here's the one that I was missing, and this is on my 2018 Finish list (#1 on the list) and also on my American Patchwork and Quilting List.  I need to catch up on that one, as well as keep up with a quilt a month on the 2018 list.  But I love a challenge.  So without further waiting here's the quilt for my cousin Garette and his wife Carol.  

They will have to pick it up at my Aunt's house in Manitoba.  My cousin lives in Ohio, and it's too expensive to mail such a heavy quilt (wool on top and flannel underneath).  Carol wanted a traditional quilt and it's for their cabin (if you call a house in the woods a cabin - sorry Carol) in Oregon.  So it will be chilly at night there, this should work.  And if not, they can hang it on a wall, because it's huge.  It's approximately 70" by 85".  I machine quilted it all myself, and all those green squares are 2 1/2 inches each.  Took a long time to go around each one to make the quilt hang flat.  But worth it.  It got "Ohhhh" and "Ahhhhhs" at the  Fraser Valley Quilting Guild Meeting Show and Tell, which always makes you feel great considering all the talent there.  The pattern is by Sara Tuttle and Sandra Brawner.  If' you are interested in the pattern you can get it at Amazon.com   It is hard to get now, even on Etsy.  

I love wool and hand stitching it.  The project is great for the car (most were done going to baseball games in Seattle so that was 2 hours there for stitching).  How about you?  

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One Monthy Goal for March

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