Sunday, June 3, 2018

Update for American Patchwork and Quilting Challenge

New drawing this month, and it's number 11.  It's a Missourri Quilt Company quilt.  The one I am very interested in doing this one

This one needs 1 roll 11/2" white strips - includes inner border
1 roll 21/2" print strips
3 packages of 21/2" squares
- 84 count
OUTER BORDER is 1 3/4 yards
BINDING is 3/4 yard
BACKING is 71/2 yards - vertical seam
for a 80 x 80 quilt


This one needs 1¾ yards dark solid fabric
1¾ yards light solid fabric
BINDING:  ¾ yard
BACKING:  3¼ yards - horizontal seam(s)
This one is smaller.

This one will satisfy my #11.  But I am also trying to complete my #11 which is the table runner for a very good friend of mine, Anna.  So I'll try to do both this month as well as my UFO challenge.

So far I've done two on this list, one I give away and one that's hanging in my condo, so I'm pleased.  See below for all the ones I said I would complete in 2018.  Those in yellow are the quilts that should be completed.


1Pat Sloans BOM
Have about 55 to go out of 100.  Need to step it up

2Black and white squares
For my aunt.  Just quilting left on a king size quilt.  Fully completed now.
3Sewing BOM
Am currently 2 blocks behind but doing very well on this challenge

4Quilt Doddle BOM
Currently caught up with all the months except for the new one that came out yesterday.

5Bird Runner
Have all material but not cut

6 Green Wool flowers
All put together need to quilt borders and quilt squares
7Triangles in old fashion
Got all material but thats it

8 Black & White modern
Paper pieced, have material, need to start squares.  Only have 3 squares out of 100 started.

9Table runner for Anna
Have most done, adding because its too small, then need to quilt it.

10Monas quilt
All material there.  Flowers, purple and green with butterflies on it.

11aMissouri quilt
Have Cake material, need to complete rest.  It's the choice for June

 l2  Barn door to complete
One done. Other pieces all over need to put together

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One Monthy Goal for March

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