Monday, August 13, 2018

Been Travelling.

That line says it all.  Been north in BC, been down to California through the fires of Oregon, and now I just came back from ten days in Manitoba heat.  It's been a whirlwind of activity, traveling and of course away from my sewing machine and computer.

But on the positive side, I've seen a lot of family and friends, done a lot of personal business, and caught up on my reading.  I even gave four  quilts away to friends and family that I promised quilts to (see my book section to understand the last part of that statement).

I also had to deal with my husband having an accident in Vegas, where he got heat stroke, fell on the sidewalk, cracked his head open, got 4 staples on his head, and ended up in the hospital.  I also had a cousin's husband end up in the hospital with a blood clot in his heart.  It's been so eventful.

So what's next?  I still have to complete a quilt for Garrett and his wife, I need to catch up on the challenge of UFO's for the All People's Quilt, and I need to learn more on a couple of programs that I teach at school.  The more I do now, the less I have to work on it at school.  Now that I have about 4 days to myself I can get going.

As usual, I've made a list, but on it is a number of quilting things.  So here it is, my "To Do" list:

  1. Make seasonal table runners for my Aunt's Christmas gift.  At least two every month until Christmas.
  2. I bought a pattern that I will be doing for Christmas gifts for the secretaries and everyone else.  So I have to get some material for that.
  3. Catch up on the Snow BOM at Quilt Doodle.
  4. Catch up on the Sewology quilt from Craftsy.
  5. work on and finish the quilt for Garrett and Carol.
  6. Look for a quilt or material that is totally dark green to make a bed cover for my mom (see got the wool quilt that I just completed, the Midnight Garden.
  7. Try to catch up on the American  People's Challenge.  
I think that's enough don't you? 

So now you're caught up with most of it.  I'm taking today off to do some of this, do a few other things on my list for things around the house.  Already caught up with the library, the bank, and a couple of other things on the computer.  Been working since 7:30.  
OK, enough of this, on to doing some work.  Have a great week everyone.

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One Monthy Goal for March

 Well I have tons of different quilts that I need to finish or at least start when I've gathered everything up in a neat little package,...

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