Monday, February 17, 2020

modern Exchange is in!!!!

I had the pleasure of a great partner for the Modern Quilt Guild Online exchange.  Her name is Isabella from Florida.  And boy is she ever talented!!!!!

The rules are simple (although I didn't follow them to the letter - sorry....).  You design something for your partner from 12 x 12" to 24" square.  My partner did 24" and it's perfect for my table which is exactly where it went right away!!!!

Even my husband loves it and demanded that it went right away on my table, stating that the other table cloth that I made was ugly.  And that's where it's been since Saturday when I picked it up from the mail  You have got to see this closer...

She quilted in solid lines.  The background is what is so fantastic, little words, but the entire thing looks like morris code.  And I looked it up to make sure  what it meant and I got it!!!

Wonderful job Isabella!!!

Love it so much!  Thank you.  I hope in return you like your design which is totally BC style.  One is modern, and the view from Steveston, a place I love to walk, and the other is something I saw, on one of my walks, but not my pattern.  It's from SewFresh, a wonderful designer from Ontario, and a lady I very much admire.  

If you've never done this before, I highly recommend it, you'll meet such wonderful people.

Take care...



  1. Replies
    1. I love it!!! Have told people about it at work. Someone is using the same idea in one of their paintings and a student is going to try this idea in my photography class.


December’s Finish and Holy Hanna Banana!!!

 Finally got my “Be My Neighbor “ by Moda done and I am floored, the picture doesn’t do it justice.  There are a number of places that give ...

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