Monday, March 14, 2022

Finally done from July 2015

 This pattern started from the July 2015 Precuts with a pattern by Lori J. Miller called Summer Harvest.  

I wanted to make it more modern, got a layer cake for 1/2 price, some background material, cut some of the background material and then put it away.  I didn’t even remember why, it’s been 7 years.  With the American Quilting Challenge to help push me to finish it, off I started.  

But when I ran out of material I realized why I put it away.  So now I needed to design my own, similar yet different.  And here’s the result.  Big and small blocks that to me looks like flying geese.  And straight line quilting.

The results with adding black grunge fabric.

The smaller ones are a quarter of the larger,(5”),  the corner flip units are also 1/4 of the smaller - 2 1/2”.
Still fast and easy to make.  With 2 1/2 “ strips in between the big ones and 1 1/2 “ with the smaller ones.  

I love this quilt.  It’s called Fly Away.

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