Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Love and Peace

 Decided to join a new group with the inquiring quilter called Wednesday’s Weight loss.  It’s a motivational thing to get your quilt load down, and boy do I have many.  I set a goal of doing 2 quilts a month and since I’m now retired I’m hoping to do it.  I have so many UFOs it’s overwhelming me.  So here’s my first post and my second finish this month of June, although I officially finished it July 1st.

  The quilt is the Love and Peace quilt from Sherri Noel, really easy to make, big blocks so it came together rather fast once I concentrated on it.  She did a free quilt along for donations for the Ukraine of the quilt or just cash 2 years ago.  I did the cash donation.  But you can still buy her quilt at the same location.

It could be a king.  It was a twin that I was going to give to a friend but husband loved it and wanted to keep it because it was the LA Chargers colors, so then I had to make it larger.  Thus the ribs at the bottoms.
2 1/2 inch strips sewn together to make the extension, quilt as you go style.  16” long,  
Used a ribbon to tie the corners at the bottom together.  Binding was the same material as how I attached the piece to the main quilt.
Love the colors.  And the dark lines of fabric used to attach the pieces really set the quilt off.

Quilted with heart patterns on a domestic sewing machine.  Was happy with the entire effect. And nice and light for the summer.  Any questions?  On to the next one then.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome! I'm so happy you found us out on the internet. I love your goal of finishing two quilts a month. That should make a hefty dent in your WIPs! I love the design of this quilt. So simple and bold. Perfect for Ukraine, and perfect for your home where all you want really is love and peace to reside. I can't wait to see the two projects for July! Happy retirement! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.


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