
Showing posts from June, 2015

Been Ages but Look what's happening

What a rough month.  Anything that can go wrong did go wrong!!! Troubles at work, and troubles finishing my quilts for my first quilt guild entry.  I didn't do just one entry, I did 4!!!  But there was another one that I wanted to finish and that was the Norma quilt which is also called the star quilt.  There were a number of people who completed the quilt and every one of them looked different.  So I'm wondering what mine would look like if I finished it?  Hummm..... But there were others to do and others to completed.  So here are two of them.....  (this is for you mom  ;) The first one you've seen already, it's the first block of the month that I finished last year.  It's by Material Girls and I'm sure it's still on their web site.  It's a quilt that's made with two layer cakes and the only thing that I did different was to put a 3 inch border around every block and I used the same material instead of one of the layer cakes.  The r