Thursday, October 1, 2020

What's next on the hit parade????

 Well it's time to make October's goal, and I'm happy to say that I've completed the All People's Quilt challenge selection already.  So maybe this month's goal is to catch up on another one that keeps on trudging along but I don't get it done.  So here it is, my row by row....

I have 18 row by rows completed.  All are quilted.  I am using Quilt as you Go to attach them all in two rows.  I now need to make the center row because three rows of row by rows will look stupid. See what they look like so far.  Below are two more sections of 3 to add together then to the 3 more for the right side of the quilt.

Need to quilt these.

For the middle I have purchased a pattern from SewFresh for a seagull, a crab, and the posts that are in the water (I don't know what they're called).  I also already have from her a pelican pattern (I made this one before and gave it away to someone in Florida).  Plus I have a little surprise for the top (a paper piece design).  This is what I hope to finish this month.  

It should be queen size, quilted massively, and it will be one more for our bed.  The hard part is done, 18 row by rows, each one taking at least a month to complete (remember I work also).  So wish me luck.  Hooking up to Elm Street Quilts for Octobers finish.

PS this is also's June or July's finish off of All People's Quilt Challenge.  So once more, two stones with one throw  :) 


  1. Someone will enjoy making up stories around this quilt! Lovely! Good luck with the quilt as you go; I find the sewing together of the sections the most tedious chore.

    1. Hi Marly, there's a great video on how to do it by a woman on the Island called Marianne Haak at to teach how to join the squares. It's a fast and easy way with Marianne. Check it out.

  2. Nice! Thanks for thinking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project.


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