Thursday, July 1, 2021

Been a while

NYSU picture
Yes I'm back and the only reason for that is that school is over.  What a ride!!!!  They're saying that this year all teachers are now suffering Post Traumatic Symptoms.  That all teachers and school staff have gone through trauma and they should look at this year as such.  I'm saying that the things that usually help me calm down, were not happening because I didn't have the time, or make the time.  Mostly it was because I was just surviving.  From getting up in the morning and working out to calm down for 20 minutes, to walks at lunch, and just too tired to eat, but forcing myself.  Seriously when I got home I was so tired I just would do my school work, and then pass out at 8:30 or 9:00 so no time to sew or paint.  

But on the good side, I joined Noom and lost 30 pounds.  I learned how to say no and how to switch stress eatting with working out to beat the fear and stress out of my system.  I learned to really look at myself and to see what I need and how to get what I need.  Mostly, I started to put myself first to really take care of myself.  So what else do I need to do...  I need to start being creative again...  And thus my summer journey.

I'm looking at my challenge list and realize that I do have some of them done.  I didn't have time to blog about it but the pictures are there in the Quilts 2020 2021 section, so go take a look.  I'm back baby, and I have three quilts I'm working at right now, and one that I want to put up in my quilt challenge for this month.  

My challenge, a 2013 quilt from Quick Quilts that I started to cut years ago (in 2013).  It's been sitting in a bag, and has moved 2 times.  It's called Parisian Patches with a group of fabric mixed up together.  In 3 different square sizes, you put two together, another two together, and then those two together.  When you're done making the square, you put four together to make a giant square.

It says 2013 - OMG!!

The colors are mute greens and blues.  In the end I'm doing something special with it, but you'll have to wait.  So this is what I'm looking at completing by the end of the month.  My One Monthly Goal (OMG).  I'm hooking up to Elm Street Quilts to play with others and maybe win a prize.  Who knows, but finishing this quilt will be a prize in itself.  No owner decided yet, but it will come.

Wish me luck.


Changes - swap exchange, quilting gift, and changing my quilting room....

A lots has been happening.  I'm still subbing, and that means I'm still working as a substitute teacher for a little extra cash, but...

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