Saturday, November 13, 2021

November before Christmas

It’s not just the holiday rush, it’s everyday rush.  Being back at school teaching with COVID still going is a bit stressful to say the least and the school year has changed so much it seems like I have no free time.  So I believe it is important to make the time to relax and continue to be creative.  This weekend did some sewing.

Caught up on my Blocks of the month. Quilt Doodle

Annie’s Mystery Fiction

Made a baby quilt.  Finished quilting it

November’s challenge to complete the Moda be my neighbor BOM.  Been wanting to do it for 3 years.  Have 2 blocks completed.  Plan to do one a week.  6 of them.  

 Also tried a quilt jacket made from one of my older quilts.  Need to see buttons tomorrow.  And completed a kit with beautiful Chinese fabric that is over 10 years old.  It’s 18 by 24.  Great table topper.    Will post both another day.  It was effort to make the time, but being creative is important to your sanity.  Until next time.  Stay safe.

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