Friday, February 10, 2023

2023’s Goals


Welcome to my Planning Party for the coming 2023.  This year is soon to be my retirement year, the last year of teaching, and going to school every day.  The last year before I begin my retirement.  Lets review this year, which has been a big year of acknowledging things.  Here's some of them:

        • I'm getting old.  I can't do so much now without getting tired.
        • Getting tired means that I'm not as creative.
        • Teaching two classes at the same time....  

All of these things and a few more have been really hard on me, but come this next term, I now have a spare which means I have more time to mark and more time at home to sew (hopefully). 

I have a number of UFOs, and a crowded sewing room, so I have a goal of making one quilt a month of these UFOs and cleaning up my room.  

I want to make at least three more barn doors, and two original quilts.  The barn doors will be the Modern Cat, the bats for Halloween, and a tree pattern.  The two original quilts will be an applique for our bed, a hand stitch.  Those are my goals.

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One Monthy Goal for March

 Well I have tons of different quilts that I need to finish or at least start when I've gathered everything up in a neat little package,...

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