Sunday, February 26, 2023

Catching up

 This month's goal was completed, thank goodness, because I was tired of doing the same thing over and over again.  It doesn't help that you happen to be ADHD, and can't stand doing the same thing over and over again since September.  The quilt turned out fantastic, and it was my goal to finish it this month, so I'm pleased with both but boy!!!!  Was it a chore.  So see for yourself.

Look at all those squares....

And how did I quilt it you asked????   By going through each 2 1/2 inch square.  All the quilting made it very heavy, and it was suppose to be a light quilt, so it didn't exactly work out that way, but it was still time consuming.

That was one of my accomplishments this month.  But after that I decided to catch up on two BOMs that I said I would not join this year.  But I couldn't resist.  So I joined two different BOMs.  One is from my favorite place FatQuarter and the Jolly Jabber.  It's called the Sewcialite 2 and it's very busy.  It's almost two every week. You can look at the free blocks on the FatQuarter cite.  Take a look but don't get mixed up with the Sewcialite 1 that was done a year ago and it's still free for all.  They're a terrific find, with a final quilt that could fit a queen size bed with an addition of an edge of 3 inches around.  I'm excited about this one because I'm using only scraps (yes I'm still trying to get rid of all my scraps and there is still a good amount of them).  There are 16 to do and I have 6 more to catch up.  This weekend I did 5 more for my addition of 10.  I'm loving the look of it and thinking of doing the setting blocks all in solids to catch all my colors or do it in a busy flower print (which I have as well).  We'll see when it's done.  You can also choose some of the Sewcialite 1 blocks instead to finish it off.  Take a look for yourself at one of the links that I put up above.  Here are the blocks I've completed.

This next one is from Riley Blake.  It's the RBD block challenge.  You can look at this years or from last years.  They're free and the patterns really test you so you learn along the way.  I bought fabric from Fabricland for this one because I wanted bright colors, I'm two behind on this one, and they come out every two weeks, so you have to be quick when doing this, but truthfully, I just love the looks of this one.  And it helps when your colors all match.  I am two blocks behind in this one and one of the blocks is really very hard, so I'm not looking forward to one with all HSTs the size of 2".  But the top right one is that one so I'm feeling that I can handle it.

I also promised myself something else this year.  I promised to paint a picture a month and I'm being generous or kind to myself by making the first picture over 3 months because of the size of it.  Take a look.  It's over 4 feet high and wide.  My husband and I love Arizona and he's been after me to paint a picture of the red rocks there.  I just started, and I showed it to my mother who is an excellent professional painter.  She told me that the sand was too dark, the rocks to the right were slanted, and to fade the clouds and rocks in the front.  We talked about putting a haze on it, and that's what I worked on this weekend.  My husband got into the act as well and told me to lighten the sand, that it didn't look real, but he loved the rocks in the front.  I know, the picture doesn't do it justice but you'll find that the next one I completed does.  

Here are the changes, you can see them.  Cliffs or rocks are more into the background.  The sand is lighter, and clouds are fainter so they're more in the background.  I quite like the changes

This has been a very busy weekend but one that is completely satisfying.  I'm happy with all that I've accomplished.  Still have a ways to go, but it's looking good.

So to summarize this weekend:
  • painting fixed and ready for next step
  • did 4 blocks in the RBD
  • did 4 blocks in the Sewcialite 2 BOM
  • spent 30 minutes cleaning the are.
Next to do:
  • cacti on the bottom
  • 2 more RBD BOMs to catch up
  • 6 more Sewcialite blocks to catch up
  • Complete my flamingo door for our anniversary reminder (It's in June).
  • And this week it's the next number from the American Quilting Society's next goal.

I'm excited!!!  
I'm happy with it.

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One Monthy Goal for March

 Well I have tons of different quilts that I need to finish or at least start when I've gathered everything up in a neat little package,...

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