Monday, December 7, 2015

Finished early my entry for the "Year of Lovely Finishes"!!!

A Lovely Year of Finishes

Well, I knnow I had to have things finished before I leave for Christmas vacations but this is even more early than I thought!!!

I started a Craftsy class months ago with Camille Roskelley called Playful Piecing Techniques that uses precuts,  My goal was to complete the Spool quilt from her lessons.  Because it was with a jelly roll, cutting the length, you can see right away how easy it would be.  And it's done!!!!  You can see where the precuts really help make this quilt go so much faster.  I cheated this time, or rather I tried to be more frugal (my mom's word for trying to save a buck) and I used a quilt polyester top from IKEA.  I thought that since it was all put together it would be easier to use.  But the polyester made it slippery, and it would slide all over.  So you can see that it is rather puffy in the picture.  But this quilt batting is very hot.

I did do something slightly different in this quilt pattern then from the Craftsy lesson, I added a piece to the top to make it larger.  I wanted to make it a larger laptop.  I added some words  :)

I also finished with my gifts to family, but I can't say anything or put it up here because then my family (who reads this blog in another province) would know what I made them.

But I can show the fabric bowls that I made for friends.  I made 20 of them.  Using a layer cake I was able to make them very fast.  I quilted two cakes with 10 inch batting of cotton I cut.  You quilt a cross (an x) over each cake to keep the batting attached to it.  Then you fold it and where the fold is, you mark an inch up and 2 and a quarter inch inside the fold (do this on both sides), sew from one mark to the other (this makes the edges of your bowl holder).  Then fold the cake the other way (make sure you match corners), and do the same thing on that fold (this gives you all four sides coming up).  Next match both cakes together (right sides of fabric), sew around but leave 3 inches on one side to flip the bowl inside out.  Then sew the edges and this will close the opening.  You now have a bowl cover.

So I met all my goals, all three of them!!!


  1. Replies
    1. There's a free pattern on Craftsy for them BillieBee if you're interested. There are absolutely easy to make and a Layer Cake works great to make them.

  2. Hey Nicole, I made these for Christmas gifts as well, but I bought the type of batting that can go in the microwave, then you put them in the microwave before you cook. It is then easy to take the hot bowl out of the microwave. I was told you need to use only the microwave safe product as other products have been known to catch fire. Very fun project to work on.


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