Wednesday, June 1, 2016

OMG continues.... June.

I have one that I have to do this month because it hits two different areas at once:  The 2016 UFO Challenge from All People's Quilt and my 2nd quarter lineup that I blogged about here.  Two more quilts from the Precut Primer Quilting Book.  I've already decided which ones because I have all the material for them.  Here's a picture from the book for them....

The one on the right is the Precut Primer for Grade 1 made of those very very small precut pieces.  It takes two small packs that usually cost you about $2.50 and about 1.5 meters of fabric.  It's going to look adorable, but you know me, I might change it a bit.  I already have someone to give it to, a house warming gift.  I haven't even started it but I do have the material and it was on all my lists to get it going, soooooo......

The second one below.  Also from the book but I believe it's for Grade 6, and it's been one that I have been wanting to do for so long.  I love the look of this one and it's a new technique so I'm excited to learn that.  And with pre-cuts (2 1/2 inch strips) it makes it easier to cut and to start, something every quilter wants, to start quilting and skip the cutting.  This is someone else's quilt completed and a Quilt Shop that is showing people how to make it.  Here's their link (I'm not affiliated with them at all, I just love their picture.)

This is my hope for the month of June.   Hooking up to RedLetter Quilts for the OMG listing.


  1. Both are really pretty projects, so best of luck with your goals and options. I look forward to seeing what the end of the month brings.

    1. Thanks Susan: I'm determine to complete it, and quite frankly, I feel the need for quilting!!

  2. Good luck. I'm looking forward to seeing which quilt you will finish first.
    Kathleen Mary

    1. Thank you Kathleen:
      Like a typical quilter, have more UFO's then I can ever finish, and starting new projects all the time, but I'm on a roll, finished 2 queen quilts this year, and have two more to go..... This one is for simplicity, with pre cuts....

  3. Good luck! Love your first goal - such a pretty quilt.

    1. Thanks Deb, it's already spoken for..... House warming gift for friends.

  4. What fun it will be to accomplish your goal! Good luck!

  5. Love the simplicity of both!

    1. Thank you. Looking forward to getting both done.


One Monthy Goal for March

 Well I have tons of different quilts that I need to finish or at least start when I've gathered everything up in a neat little package,...

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