Thursday, October 24, 2024

Creativity and organization

 Been working a number of things but one of them is cleaning out my storage and it’s finally done… and I discovered some quilts.

I did this one in 2013, 10 years ago.  It’s hard to believe.  It’s a BOM from Debbie Mumm but the web site is gone.    But I loved it so I create it for my hubby.  It's back home now instead of in a plastic bucket.  Hubby washed it and good as new.  It's mostly gold tones with browns and blues.  Very warm color but now I'm up to about 12 quilts to cuddle with and that's too much.  The back is an American print since the quilt is American, lol!!!  You can see the picture of some of the buckets of stuff that I got rid of.  I gave 3 buckets of wool fabric to the school that I use to work at.  Kids don't have to buy any material anymore, the school has to supply the supplies.....  boy has life changed since I was in high school

This next one was a gift to a good friend of mine who passed away from cancer.  When she passed she asked her mom to give it back to me because when we were doing the Row by Rows about 10 years ago we came across the block of the month in one of the quilt places we visited.  The price of each month was rediculously low, and she was pushing me to get it, just pushing me.  I told her I had enough quilts but no, she wanted me to do it, so I said fine, but I was giving it to her when it's done.  When I finally had it completed as a joke I said to her when you pass away I want it back because it was so beautiful.  She  remembered that, and asked for me to get it back.  I was in my storage underneath the stairs when I was cleaning that up the same time as my storage locker that I was paying for and out it came as well.  I don't look at it and cry now, it's more sentimental then anything, and it makes me smile to think of that story.  Here is it.

                                                       Notice the little tea bag above this.
Sorry that it's so dark, can't seem to fix it up without losing the colors bug still so worth it.

the colors are just stunning, the design, so fun.  The material really made it.  I used a wandering stitch for quilting as well as stitch in the ditch.  Zig zag on the applique.  It's such a beautiful quilt.  Two great finds.

This month was also a time of painting with a few new ones.  This is one of my practice sessions.

I also one day this week went crazy and made 3 different things for a book club coming up.  I froze most of it.  It's Christmas Cranberry cake (it's really excellent and easy to make), Apple Caramel Dump Cake (OMG it's good) and the final is a zucchini loaf.  Sorry lost the recipe on this one.  See below:

But the most creativity for me is from sewing....  I'm pleased with what I did this week but it's keeping up with a new BOM that I signed up for that's killing me.  Two a week, paper piece.  They're beautiful but hard to do.  Here's what I did this week.  I have about 8 completed.  it's from Apples and Beavers called Cozy Holidays Sampler QAL

The above picture is a better picture of the green background.  The one below was too bright.

I made the bottom pillow for a friend who has a dog like this.  It took about 3 days to complete.  The pattern is from Sew Fresh Quilts.

The pattern below I finished this month (two 2 months to get it all done) for a friend who is going to retire this final school year.  She's a Vice Principal and she's ready to go.  She's also a rather tall lady so this quilt was 68" by 72".  The white sections on the top and bottom were larger than the sides.  I used all scraps and it really turns out great.  Want to see the pattern?  Go to Suzie Quilts to see it and all her other super fun patterns.    the backing was nice and bright with flowers to offset the modernistic version of this quilt.

I had so much fun doing this quilt, really, I'm thinking of making one for myself.  The pattern comes in queen size for my bed.  I quilted it all with stitch in the ditch and then straight lines around the last row, all around until I came to the edge.  It gave it an edgy vibe (pun intended).

OK, that's it, that's enough for one month, including all the work and finishing three books.  I need to go and rest.  Take care, have a good week.


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One Monthy Goal for March

 Well I have tons of different quilts that I need to finish or at least start when I've gathered everything up in a neat little package,...

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