Thursday, May 25, 2023

Been busy again

 With a few UFOs done.  They are Cat Approved.

Both of these have gone to the hospital's children's ward.
Yes they are identical.  The material was given to me two years ago, with the blocks already done.
I just finished it off and binded it.

This one is a Joanne's Kit from 5 years ago, before Covid.  The kit contained all the material and the pattern, but some of the material had been changed and that's why the discount.  The kit was $20.  For all the top material.  What a steal!!!
Simple quilting in the ditch and some echoing.

My husband loves the colors.  Perfect for a guy.  I was going to give this away but the hubby said no, it's perfect for our house, so it's staying.

I also did one more quilt for a friend that I gave away last week so now I can put it up here.  It's part of the American Quilt UFO challenge.  I found some of the trees premade and in a box while trying to clean my quilting room. Made a couple more, and started the art drawing. A good size.  My friend loves it and considering it's for her retirement, I'm happy she loves it, she's a wonderful woman.

Now onto my next UFO, that my husband has been begging me to complete.  I've had the pattern and the material just in storage for 2 years....  A great pattern from a wonderful Canadian Designer.  Wait for the next blog entry to see it.  I'm already 1/2 way through it.

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One Monthy Goal for March

 Well I have tons of different quilts that I need to finish or at least start when I've gathered everything up in a neat little package,...

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