Monday, August 21, 2023

Summer is almost over

 And I’ve been able to get some painting and sewing in.  I have completed some baby quilts, made some gifts and cleaned my room after my bookcase collapsed.  Yeah you heard right, my IKEA bookcase (with drawers) stretched out and the shelves came tumbling down.  Too many sewing/painting/quilting books and paints in it.  Out with that old and in with a used steamer trunk that I redid.  Final product are the 1st couple of pictures.  Even used wood glue for cracks.

Redid with restick wall paper that is waterproof.  
All my supplies
The crack that I wood glued.
The start that took about 2hours.

The finish product that has projects in containers, and fabric for sewing clothes.  It worked well.

Then I had some things that are just in a tray that I needed to fix.  So I completed these projects that were small and almost done.

The container 
Pillow case embroidery 
Mug rug, hand stitched.  Tea dyed.
Look at the stitching or rather quilting.

A dress that needed a hem and to fix neckline
A very long table runner with old 2 1/2 strips.  Used Missouri Star video for pattern.  Love it.

But that’s not all.  I learned how to watercolor so I did some painting.  See one.
That’s it so far.  Have a great month.

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