Monday, August 28, 2023

One I missed and another done

 I’ve been cleaning my sewing office and I have been noticing how any UFOs I have but that’s ok because I’m retiring soon and all of the projects will keep me busy.  The kits are all together except for batting and backing.  So it’s a win win.  But I’m getting an overflow, too much stuff around to the point  that it's overwhelming me.  Like everyone else in the quilting world I can’t resist a new BOM or a bargain so I keep on starting new ones but I’m resisting ladies (hello my name is Nicole and I’m a fabricaholic.).  This past month I’ve been finishing off a lot of quilts (see last couple of blogs) but today I’m showing you one I did this month and another BOM from this year so it doesn’t become a ufo.  Here she be….

End of bed quilt.

This pattern is free at Riley Blake Design, on this link.    The squares are 10 and a half in size.  Their pattern did not include the blue line I put in, a 1 1/2 inch fold.  Stitched between the blocks, a 2” piece and the side borders.  It made the quilt bigger.  Side edges I enlarged to 4” instead.  Overall it’s colorful and fits a queen nicely.

Here’s the (not one but) two I missed blogging about….

The back of the large lap top (I used extra blocks)
The front of the laptop, very modern, a modern quilt BOM from last year that I found online at All She Can Sew.  Here’s her link.  “Kitchen Sink”. Well it was very well designed.

And my gift to a very lovely niece who just had a baby boy, so congrats to them for a wonderful child in this world.  Love to you all.

All the quilts are bonded and completed.  What have you been doing this month?  

Unfortunately I'm still behind...  lol.

Have a great week.

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