Friday, March 22, 2024

Cleaning and sewing progressing

 Another day and it’s slowly progressing.  Like they say “slow and steady wins the race”.  I discovered some more row by rows, some from 2015 water theme and some from 2016 while was a home them.  Did two this week already for home theme.  They seem to be bigger or rather longer.  But I still have so many water ones.  I started with 52, made two quilts, one a queen.  This next one will be a lap again.  The other will be table runners.

Like that tractor one. So many…  haven’t done the row by row since.  By the way, they’re sitting on a ladybug quilted tabletop.  Gave it to my mom, and in the last move, she gave it back.

Room is still messy but it’s getting there.

I just gave away the pie plate antique table.  Haven’t used it in two years.  It even has a label but now a days people don’t want antiques anymore and I love them. My sewing machine is under the “sew” quilt cover to the left.  On my chair is the three already done.  By the chair is a fabric box of binders with patterns in it.  Those smaller boxes are kits I made with everything on it.  I have my walking metals on the door and my camera on the knob.  Behind the pie crust table is a three tier rolling shelves that have my paints (water and acrylic) and pencil/drawing sets.  Can you find the canvases?  I feel like Where’s Waldo.

These are my scrapbook kits with kits in them that are started or ready to go.  Yes I know you’re saying are you ever bad Nicole.

So now you know where I’m at.  And I have four projects going on right now:

1.  Pillow cases 3 sets
2.  Campfire quilt - queen size large square
3.  Row by rows 5 of them
4.  A quilted pull over jacket that I just started with a quilt along from Riley Blake’s Come join us.  The template/pattern is free and it looks gorgeous.  All sizes to a couple of extra large for me!  Lol

Promised myself I wouldn’t join anymore but that didn’t work.  This one is great.  Want one!  It’s for 3 months so it’s short.  I’ll try.

Oh, and the fifth is cleaning that room which means getting some of those quilt project down.  

And that’s it, you’re caught up.  Wish me luck 😃😀

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One Monthy Goal for March

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