Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Another one done, first time with scallop edging

This one is for my husband's boss in Edmonton. He told me that she's very feminine. So I bought about a week ago a cake package of moda fabric, all soft blues, and pinks, not at all what I usually go with, I love bright colors. But it was on sale ($10) and I couldn't resist such a deal, so there it was. I knew this would be for someone else and I thought It would be a quick quilt but I never do something easy, it's not in me....

In one of my trips to Steveston (a town by the ocean in British Columbia - not far from Vancover) I came across an antique table cloth that had beautiful embroider on it. I've been working hard on learning this craft and I couldn't help but admire the work. It's old, but beautiful.

It's a table cloth, with pink and yellow flowers in a square. Well I used it as the centre piece for the quilt. I didn't quilt that part at all, and I thought it was a little too plain for my taste, especially with the light colors. The light colours do make the quilt look entirely antique. Take a look at the details of the embroidery.

Notice all the colors... Needed to add something to the quilt, some pazazz... So in come the scallop edges. Do they ever make a difference...

I used a big pasta bowl, and some freehand, then made the bias tape, and machined so it on. Needed to clip right up to the stitch line to make the scallop line look good, then I zigzagged the bias on, stocked a second time inside and a 3rd stick line inside the bias, on the quilt. Looks great!

The backing was a great fine for only $5 a meter, that made me happy! There's not that much quilting on the one, left it open so it kept the antique look. I wanted to puts 3D daisies at the cross corners, randomly here and there, but my husband said no, it would be too much, and I think he's right. At this point the quilt looks old fashion, and his boss likes antiques. I think this one is done. Wish I was keeping this one...

Nicole Painchaud

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