Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Girls Day out...

Today I joined 4 other ladies to just work on crafts, to talk and share how life is going.  It was quiet, enjoyable with friends that don't need to continuously yack, yet we could talk about anything under the sun.  Being so ADHD I brought about 4 things with me but really, didn't do a lot of crafting, although I did enjoy myself tremendously, and did relax, the key to all this quilting and crafting.  So I know, it was a great time of just being happy.  Isn't that way a girls day out is, a sharing of happy thoughts, and happy times.  

So what did I work on?  The next Prairie Flower quilt block, and my Ladder Hooking hot pad that I started on Saturday, with a course I took at Wineberries. I'm half way though.  It was traditionally developed in England during the 1900's to make wool rugs but now you use fabric.  It has a large needle with a hook at one end that you use to hook the fabric through the netting.  It's a little hard to explain but this is the book we got with patterns to make rugs and pot warmers, which is what they recommend to start with to get use to the process, and I understand why.  You need to make an even top, and that does take practise.  After the first pot warmer, I'm looking at making a rug, nothing like starting small right?  ;)  Look below and that is what you use for the enter process.  In the end you have that pot warmer that you see there.  Mine is just as colourful as this one.  Really, I enjoyed it.  I signed myself up and a friend for her birthday gift.  She loves doing quilts, and this was her gift for her birthday.  Something new to try.

I also want to share is what I did yesterday.  I didn't take any pictures last night because it was too dark.  I've been working on a new BOM called Globe Trotting.  It's here at this link, and really, this one is a little more difficult. I was working on another BOM with Pat Sloan, and both are great but this one is my first mystery quilt so you don't know what the quilt will look like until it's completely done.  I'm using some great material that I got from WineBerries in Surrey, BC, some Kauffman material that is absolutely stunning.  Here's what I got so far.  The pictures don't do the quilt justice.  You can't see the gold thread, how shiny it is in person.  But it's in green, purple and tan, and the patterns do justice to what's happening.

March's block

Feb.'s block.

One section of the center block, still working on it.
As I said, this one is challenging, and full of piece work so I'm loving it.  Can't wait for the end.  When done, I promise to get a good picture of the quilt so you can see the colours....

Another thing I did yesterday (I only sewed for about 3 hours) is a quilt learning experience that I found on Crafty when I joined online from my IPad.   It's like a BOM, but the course is already completed in 2013.  Every month there are two new blocks, so I can work ahead in this one to get the work done.  I found some material that's batik, with the wildest colours.  But the pattern is modern, and some I have never seen ever, so this will work out well for me.  Below are the three blocks I did yesterday.  As you can see from my list of things I want to accomplish this year, the Crafty was one that I wanted to complete as soon as possible. 

Now don't judge, because although the colours are a little wild, they'll look great with a white stash along each one, and maybe stars in between, but I definitely need to have some space between each one.  I'm also looking at practising my freehand on this one.  There is a course to join for that on Crafty, but I have already joined a Free Style quilt group, and I'm learning a lot (Building Blocks Quilt Along) with their videos and the emails every two weeks.  I'm happy with my process there.  

Another reason I like this crafty class is that I can do the blocks when ever I want.  There is a number of different styles for this course, and many are new for me, so that will keep me entertained.  

One for August
I'm still sick with this darn cold, and at the end of the girls day out I started to cough too much, and my fever came back, so tomorrow, I'll take it easy, stay home and catch up on my blocks of the month.  The question is, will I every catch up????  ;)

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One Monthy Goal for March

 Well I have tons of different quilts that I need to finish or at least start when I've gathered everything up in a neat little package,...

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