Thursday, March 20, 2014

Continuing on with Prairie Flowers - a year old Block of the Month.

Can you tell that I'm not working this week?  That I'm on Spring Vacation?

I started this quilt close to two years ago on my birthday.  I used my mother's birthday money to get going on this block of the month, and I've been working on and off with it ever since.  But it's on my list of quilts to complete this year and I'm bound and determine to get it done.  So another one done, and I do enjoy the hand stitching.  It's on flannel but the  applique is button stitched on wool.

That's six done and six to go.  You won't believe the finished edging.  There's baskets in each corner using HST's, and applique vines all around it.  I don't even want to think about it for now, it's a huge job in the end.  So here are some of the completed squares, of course Lynxy needs to check it out.

Four here....

Two more here.  Need to add beads to the sunflower one.
Started another one now, block 8 - Wild Morning Glory.  Love the fact that these are easy to transport and tomorrow I'm on a ferry to Vancouver Island, and I'll be taking it with me to work on.  I find it very relaxing.

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One Monthy Goal for March

 Well I have tons of different quilts that I need to finish or at least start when I've gathered everything up in a neat little package,...

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