Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter Weekend -

Quite a while ago my mother went to an art show and saw some 3D folded block quilts.  She loved the wind chime quilt block so much she asked about it and got the book shown below (you can find it on Amazon).  It's a wonderful book with easy instructions and plenty of diagrams.

The book includes:
  • A breeze catcher (the one my mom saw)
  • Three wall hangings
  • a notebook cover
  • A trinket box that I made for a friend when I first got the book.
  • two wall hangings
  • and two large samplers.
I did a pull bell with seven different squares, but instead of doing the pull bell of all 7 in a row  I decided to make two table covers and put an edge around the squares.  Here they are below:

Table talk

Closer look

Need to add quilting.
I also did the April BOM for the Globe Trotter quilt.  Same material as the ones above, I have tons of the Kaffman material.  Check it out.

I didn't do much else, not the best of weekends, busy with easter family stuff, and catching up with a friend for a friendly walk along Crescent Beach, so I thought I would share that adventure.
Lazy Day.

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One Monthy Goal for March

 Well I have tons of different quilts that I need to finish or at least start when I've gathered everything up in a neat little package,...

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