Sunday, April 27, 2014

Transporting your quilting

I seem to always be creating quilts with my sewing machine, piecing, and such, and working less with applique.  But applique is so easy to transport, and continue to work on.  This weekend I've been trying to catch up with all my blocks of a month, and doing quite well (I'm bragging here in case you don't get that ;).  But the applique is still behind.  So on Saturday we went down to Seattle, and the trip is approximately 2.5 to three hours long, depending on the border.  I decided to take my bag of appliques. 

There are three different blocks of the month that I am currently working on and I thought "What a good time to just talk to my husband and sew at the same time".  He was driving, and it's easy to do both in the car.  I don't get car sick, I'm use to concentrating on other things in the car.  The results, two blocks down, and one to go.  It was fun, it kept my ADHD in check, and I felt a sense of accomplishment instead of saying to myself "Great, another two hours of just sitting there".  Keeping my hands busy keeps my mind calm.  

So in the end, I felt I accomplished something, I enjoyed the time immensely talking to my husband, and I kept calm.  What do you think?

My Prairie Flowers BOM (see Quilts to complete tab on top
for info on this quilt).

Free BOM on Crafty.  Really worth it.
Never did hexigons before the lesson.
Not bad right?
I hand sewed the hexi's on this block, wanted to piece where everything went.  I used the glue method to glue the fabric on the hexigons, hand sew them, then watch the fabric when all sewing was done.  I think it worked out quite well.  But next time I'll try the basting method.

I did do some sewing on Friday as well, but with a few mistakes.  Take a look.

Quilter's Guild April's BOM
Colours are really working out well with this quilt. They are vibrant.   The finished masterpiece will really look spectacular. 
Block Lotto April's Block.
 There were three ways to do this quilt.  I chose piecing.

Down the Rabbit Hole - Another one done.
I made a little mistake on this one.  I didn't add the margin when I was cutting this one out so I need to add some white around the edges to that I can make it the right  size.  But still very happy with this.  If you have never seen the BOM for this quilt, please take a look at the final quilt, and visit Jennifer Overstreet's blog at Gable House and Company.  Or visit her patterns at Crafty.   

So I will be done two BOM in May, the Down the Rabbit Hole one and the Material Girls one.  The rest, continue on  :)

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One Monthy Goal for March

 Well I have tons of different quilts that I need to finish or at least start when I've gathered everything up in a neat little package,...

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