Monday, April 7, 2014

Voice still gone but up for more quilting...

I got the timing right, I sew a bit, then sleep, sew a bit, then sleep, well, you know the drill by now.  But I am getting things done, just in smaller quantities.  So here's what I did today...

fixed the Vise Versa April Quilt. Had to undo one of the sections.  But looks great now.

Perfect points!!
Block 7 of Layer Cake Material Girl

Block 5 of Material Girl

Block 8 of Material Girl.

All the blocks so far.

Galaxy of Stars from my Guild - Corner one.
Had to make 4 - 1st block before I joined.
The good news is that I am feeling better.  The bad news is that my voice still has not come back but I'm back to school tomorrow.  Missing the students.  I just won't be able to talk that much.  ;)

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One Monthy Goal for March

 Well I have tons of different quilts that I need to finish or at least start when I've gathered everything up in a neat little package,...

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