Sunday, May 4, 2014

Busy weekend, but always time for sewing.

With my list fresh in my mind and a couple of quilt due dates coming up I spent about 4 hours sewing today.  I did most of the cutting on Friday, so it was nice to just sew and see what appears.  I wanted to keep up with many of my BOMs that I caught up with last month, so here they are, the steady ones.

There's the steady one, the Quilt Doodle which is really turning out so well, I am so happy with it.  I sewed 3 of the large blocks together to make a complete row.  Showed it to my husband and his only comment was "Its a Christmas quilt??"  I explained to him that it won't be finished until Christmas anyways so that's perfect.  Then dutifully he said it was very nice and continued to watch his hockey game  ;)

Doodle Quilt - did the tree on the right.
I completed the Aurifill block.  My entire quilt is all flowers, so it will be very bright when it's done.  It's a chain on point.

I also tried to catch up on the Material Girl quilt - layer cake quilt which will be due on May 16th, but it will take quite a bit of work.  I still need to do quilt blocks 13 - 20, but at least today I finished 13, 19 and 20.  They looked so intriguing I wanted to complete the last two.  And it turned out exactly like it should, so take a look at all three then some close ups.

All three together.

Love the colors.

The pastels look well in the black dotted material.

Looks like the disappearing pinwheel I want to do.

But as I said before I still have so much to do:  blocks 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, then put the borders on them to put all together.  I'll also need to quilt, and that will take some time.  I want to do a circles on the black all around the pattern.

To continue on, I had some extra material from before and I did a table runner.  I practised my quilting on them.  Did leaf design and flowers in the centre.  Take a look.
Square table cover.

Notice the quiltings?
I was finishing off the edge, and this time I machine sewed it.  It looks perfectly fine.  Will show this and the 3D quilts to my Quilt Guild on Tuesday.

At the same time I tried to catch up with the Block Lotto March block (Irish Chain).  I did two of them
April's Block Lotto Quilt
but I still need two more.  They take quite a bit of time.  One thing that does not take a lot of time is May's lottery block.  It's a simple block with three fines of white and blue.  I love the look.  It's very simple yet beautiful.  I need to do a good amount of them but with creams and simple blues.  the instructions say do not do any in aqua blue and of course that's the one I did  ;)  So I'll have to make more but I'll use these in my quilt.  I love the look of them.  Considering doing an entire quilt of them.  They look so modern, that's what I like about it.  

Notice the block below that is suppose to go all together.  I finally got one whole section completed.  Notice also the Irish block, March's block that I did not complete and one of the things on my list of things to do. It's simple but does take a lot of time, especially the centre star.  I would like to do the block in a different color, I don't like so much green in it then the white.  It would be better to do the opposite.  Maybe for the other two blocks I need to complete I'll do that.
One of the sections all done.

What else?  I still need to do a lot but  when looking at all that I have done today, I still feel that I've done well, and I'm happy with myself.

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One Monthy Goal for March

 Well I have tons of different quilts that I need to finish or at least start when I've gathered everything up in a neat little package,...

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