Sunday, May 4, 2014

Joining the swoon group. Order to see what happens

While browsing though all these different quilt blogs, flowing my ordered at  Thimble Blossoms, the
Swoon pattern. There are flickr groups for this quilt, large quilts, small quilts, adjustments of the pattern, I just couldn't resist adding something else to my list of things to do next month!  The pattern is from Thimble Blossom here.  Well worth the reasonable price and I just love the look of this pattern, it grows to different things you can do.

As I said there is a Flickr group for this quilt alone, where people share what they've made and a number of the quilt pictures give you great ideas of what you can do with this pattern, so treat yourself, and get it!  You can do a quilt from your guild.  Here is a picture that shows one being hand quilted by a guild.  Love the border at the bottom.  Really brings it together.  Excited to start!

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