Monday, May 19, 2014

The Sewing never Ends.... Love it...

I continued on sewing on Monday, but I still didn't brag about everything I did Sunday.  I started to sew and cook at the same time at 1:00 and stopped at 2:30.  No I did not cook a quilt, while waiting for the timer to go off I sewed.  These are my blocks of the month (9 in total with two to be completed by the end of this month) that are on my list of things to do:
Crafty 2012 Block of the month (free online) for May

2nd Crafty 2012 BOM for May. 
Two blocks a month.  Block size is 12 1/2 inches.  I'm loving the colours - blast batique that I got years ago on sale in Belleview Washington.

The International Globetrotting Mystery quilt by Pat Sloan.  Using some very bright material for this and I don't know if it's working or I should get a different flatter colour so it fits in better.  Comment here and tell me what you think.  None of my pictures do justice to the material, which has gold thread in it.  There are beautiful different shades of purple and the green is olive green, darker, but it just doesn't show here.  This is the 5th block of the series.
Globetrotting May
And one of the other things that I needed to do to catch up is with my "Down the Rabbit Hole" quilt by Jennifer Overstreet at Gable House and Co.    I sewed the fans without thinking to add a 1/4 border for sewing, so I made them too small, and instead of redoing (I'm using 50 pieces of material that someone gave me for my 50th birthday and I'm running out of material) the blocks, I fixed up the quilts.  Here are the results  ;)  I love it.
Down the Rabbit Hole - April.

I still need to do May's, but I think I'll do that as applique.  That's it.  Got sewing for today (Monday).

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One Monthy Goal for March

 Well I have tons of different quilts that I need to finish or at least start when I've gathered everything up in a neat little package,...

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