Monday, May 19, 2014

Monday's little adds.....

I wanted to add a few things to my complete list today and although I was going to work on the Layer Cake by Material Girls, I also wanted to do a repair job on my "Down the Rabbit Hole" quilt by Jennifer.  But once I got started I couldn't put it down.  Here's some of the pictures of what I did.
Fixed the fans, put white all around them.
Completed the flying geese around the quilt.

But not completely around...
I ran out of the tan material around the geese, and couldn't find any more so I improvised.  Remember, this is my "50th" quilt, the 50 pieces of material a friend gave me for my 50th birthday, so I promised myself that I would only use that material.  I did cheat with some left over tan that I ran out, but I don't want to add anything more and there was no tan material in the group.  So I decided to put the square there, and the rectangles to sort of mark a spot to embroider the name of the quilt on that square.  In the end it will be perfect.

I couldn't stop there though.  I wanted to see how big it would be and because I added that border of green (it wasn't in the pattern but I needed something to finish one section from the other, I added a 1 1/2 inch border.  The geese were easy to adjust, but will the squares still work?  Curiosity kills the cat, so I continued on....
The quilt center...

One of the borders attached.

I'm thinking of undoing it and putting another border around the geese but I want them to fly free, so I need to think about it.  What do you think?  Advice is needed  ;)

I still need to cut the material for the Orange Peel, and then I'm able to finish the entire quilt and put all the borders on it, as well as the final triangles. See Jennifer's final quilt on this link.

As for the rest of my list, I didn't put the borders on the Layer Cake quilt by Material Girls but I did cut the material for the Vice Versa Quilt.  I'll sew that sometime this week.  You really need to be awake for that quilt.  

As for the rest, my list of completed items is growing which makes me happy.

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One Monthy Goal for March

 Well I have tons of different quilts that I need to finish or at least start when I've gathered everything up in a neat little package,...

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