Friday, June 27, 2014

What was done in June!!!

The biggest challenge this month was to try to get everything done.  Last month I finished two of the "Blocks of the Month", Material girls, and Down the Rabbit Hole.  These two were what I promised to complete for the "A Lovely Year of Finishes" (see to the side).  Although I promised to complete these two quilts (sandwich, quilt, bind, the whole thing), I still have a large list of things to do.  The bold items are the ones that I am behind in.  My main goal is to keep up with the BOMs but the appliques are just not happening (the sycamore rose block is 4 months behind now.

I can honestly say that I am disappointed with myself this month.  I understand why I am behind but still, I should of enjoyed relaxing more with the quilting, and July is almost a write off because I'm away travelling.  So that will be the perfect time to do some of the applique for the sycamore rose quilt blocks.  I really need to catch up on those.

  • Material Girl's Layer Cake finishing off the quilt (put the borders on it) and quilt the entire things.  Finish it off. - put it all together, got borders, and have started quilting but it will take me ages...
  • Down the Rabbit Hole - finish off the quilt.  I love it - Here's the link to pictures.
    Down a Rabbit Hole Completed
  • sycamore-rose-block-2  (February)  - half done, thank goodness
  • sycamore-rose-block-3  (March)
  • Sycamore Rose block 4 (April)
  • Sycamore Rose Block 5 - May
  • Sycamore Rose Block 6 - June
  • Free Motion Quilt along Block 2 styles 
  • Free Motion Quilt along Block 3 - 4 styles
  • Free Motion Quilt Along Block 4 - 4 styles
  • Free Motion Quilt Along Block 5 - 4 styles                             
  • Aurifill June - completed and loving the look of the entire quilt.  This link shows my flickr account and the picture of all of them, including June.
  • Prairie flower #4 - OK, this is finally done.  - Took me two months and you can see why with this look!!!!  Click on this link for a picture of it.
    Pairie Flower #9
  • Prairie flower #9 - completed!!!  I did this one in about a day.  There was a lot of work but I sat for 4 hours with my husband talking and sewing at the same time.  See the results here.
  • Galaxy of the Stars - May - from FVRQ Guild. Did it on Sunday.   
  • Galaxy of the Stars - June only.  They gave us June and July to do over the summer. But I never had time to complete it.  Been too Busy.
  • Vice Versa - June - done.  Took an entire 4 hours because I kept on making mistakes.
  • Modern pattern (block lotto) June - It's a sun!!!  Couldn't enter this month, been too busy, but I am making myself some.
  • Globe Trotting 2014 Mystery Quilt  Completed!!!  Look here for the blog entry of this one and Doodle...
  • Doodle Design - June - Completed!!!  Loved this one.  It was skates that I added shoe laces to.
  • Finish table runner beads on a string (Couldn't find it!!!! It will show up at some time.)
  • Aurifill's quilt for the end of bed (2 rows completed, need one more row, and binding)
  • Do the modern quilt that I have cut out - green and purple for the newFO Challenge
  • Another 3D quilt for the newFO Challenge - it wasn't flowers, it was a box and I showed my quilting guild how to make the small box so this one had two purposes.  But it's completed.
  • Want to cut out material for a Swoon quilt
  • New Quilt cutting out.
    • Completed!!!  It's not a swoon but a carpenter star quilt.  I found the pattern at this link - it's a free pdf file.  Here's a picture of the pattern I will be doing. I'm excited to start it.  Using gold and brown in it as well, but not the horses.
  • Did 5 more Thangles  quilt blocks from two packages.  Looking good.

Had a bad month this month.  I was on strike which meant that I was busy on the strike picketing line, and nervous about what was happening.  I was so exhausted because I stress that I hardly sewed.  But my main goals were to complete those two quilts (first two listed), and when doing that I had enough left over material from the "Down the Rabbit Hole" that I made a third one.  Two for the price of one.

Doodle Designs - the Skate.

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One Monthy Goal for March

 Well I have tons of different quilts that I need to finish or at least start when I've gathered everything up in a neat little package,...

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