Tuesday, October 7, 2014

A Number of Projects to finish for December

Finish Along 2014
I'm entering the Q4 Finish-Along.  As you can see from two blog entries ago, I have a number a BOMs that have finish and now I have to finish the final blocks/rows and quilt everything together. There are 3 of them in total.  For the "A Year of Lovely Finishes" I decided to complete the Globetrotter quilt.  But for the "Q4 Finish Along 2014" I'm looking at the different block of the month by Quilt Doodle Designs as well.

I still have to do a row of lights for the quilt, but I have all the other blocks completed.  I'm looking at this....

What I have done

What the quilt looks like

To turn into this...... I'm even thinking of adding one more row, of something like circles of christmas ornaments, to make it longer.  Who knows.  But I'll have it done by the end!!  I started this in January.

It will be a record for me, two quilts finished at once and the other blocks of the month that are not completed.  Good luck to me...  See below for the other finished BOM to be completed.

Before (I also started this one in January):

The change in one Sunday

Finished look.  Mine is different.
A third one is from Debbie Mumm's Quilt of Honor.  It will go from this


Finished Quilt.
Have a lot of work to complete on this one.

I also finished ViceVersa - unfortunately I'm two blocks behind, and this month we got the final instructions so this will be a surprise to me as well on how it will look.  But it will be a queen and it will be big again and to be completed.  Here is what it should look like.  I want to surprise you with the colours but you can always look at the tags on the left to see some of the blocks completed.

Crafty 2012 BOM was one that I took online, trying Crafty for the first time.  I really like it  - I'm behind in September and October's blocks (there are two each month, one old fashion and one modern) but then I need to put it together.  I don't know if I'll be able to finish this one because I signed up on Crafty for another course on how to quilt each block individually.  I signed up so I can continue to practise my free style quilting.  Starting to be good at it.  I quilt with one of those small singer machines.  Been doing queen sizes so far... 

Finally, I would love to finish my sunflower pixelated quilt.  At present it looks like this:

and should be the completed one below.

I took this course in the summer on Crafty (free called Pixelating a Quilt), and I loved it.  Each square will be 2 inches.  You need to take a picture, pixelated, then mark your colours for each square and follow the map you made.  Like a treasure hunt.  I'm so excited about it that I bought the material for a different one without finishing this one.  Boy, am I crazy!!.

My link up is above. Click on the icon and you'll go to "The Littlest Thistle" to see what other quilters are going to do online.  They are so amazing.

To finish six quilts and all the blocks of my other blocks of the month that will not be completed by December will be quite the feat.  I also was planning a christmas quilt and I make all my christmas gifts.  We'll see how it goes.  Good luck to all the people here.

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