Friday, October 3, 2014

Finishing Goals for October

Well September was crazy.  Teachers were on strike for the first two weeks and that meant picketing at the schools from 1:00 - 4:00.  Which meant of course that I didn't have much time to do some sewing, and really I wasn't really feeling like it.  You really have to be in the mood to be creative and for the first time in years, I was not in the mood to be creative.

So I have quite a lot to do, as well as new things that happened at the end of September.  Five of my Blocks of the Month are finished online, two are quilted and finished.  This month three more finished.  See the links to your left to go to the designers of the BOMs.  They're fantastic.  Those are:

  • Debbit Mumm's Quilt of Honor that is a manly military quilt.  I have the corner/stars to complete, but all blocks are completed.  It's a matter of putting things together and making the sashing.  
  • Globetrotting by Pat Sloan.  Makes a 9 block quilt like a sampler.  Was a surprise at the very end.  This is my "A lovely Year of Finishes" to do this month.  
  • Quilt Doodle Designs and Cindy had a fantastic BOM (apparently this is the 2nd and the 1st was fantastic as well).  It's a Christmas Quilt, I'm all caught up and all I need is to do this month's strip and put it all together.  I'm so excited to finish this one.  When done I'll be starting another similar to this one at Cora's Quilts called Super Mario's, same style.  Love the video game so this works for me  ;)
  • ViceVersa - unfortunately I'm two blocks behind, so this will take a month to complete.  But it will be a queen and it will be big again.
  • Crafty 2012 BOM  - Behind in September's block but then I need to put it together.  I won't finish this one because I signed up on Crafty to quilt each one individually.  Signed up so I can continue to practise my free style quilting..
  • Almost done my Prairie Flowers wool quilt.  Just have the corners to do.
I've also started two more.  They are:
Now for the others...  Yes I know, I'm nuts but here goes:

  • Aurifil October to do. 
  • Prairie Flower - two corners this month, two corners for the next.
  • Vice Versa August and September to catch up on then complete the entire thing with the instructions for October.  
  • Galaxy of the Stars from my Quilting Guild - One August to do (there were two) and the September to complete.  I have to do this in one week because the meeting for the Guild is next Tuesday.
  • Block Lotto pattern
    • June - It's a sun!!!  Only got one done, need to catch up.
    • July - spokes pattern.  Had 6 done but need to do 8 more..
    • September to do and now....
    • October (Oh boy, am I behind on this one.  But then I made the end of the bed quilt from one of their patters so I shouldn't be punished :)
  • Sycamore Rose
    • block-2  (February)  -  Almost completed.
    • block-3  (March) - not done.
    • block 4 (April) - not done.
    • Block 5 - May - not done.
    • Block 6 - June - not done.
    • Block 7 - July - not done. 
    • Block 8 - August. - not done.
    •  Block 9 not done.
    • Block 10 not done.
    • Block 11 not done.
    • Block 12 not done.  
 Look at all the pieces on Flickr by Sycamore Rose.
  • Free Motion Quilt along  - been free motion quilting now on all my quilts lately.  But this is the course to teach me different styles so I need to get going.  My promise to myself to get some of these done one day.
    • Block 2 styles 
    • Block 3 - 1 left to do but at least I'm speeding up.
    • Block 4 - 4 styles
    • Block 5 - 4 styles   
    • Block 6 - 4 styles. 
    • Block 7 - need to make the blocks before quilting.   
Here are my 2014 NewFO Challenges.
  • Modern quilt that I have cut out - green and purple for the newFO Challenge and preparing it for the "Modern Quilt" Flickr Group.
  • Make a Carpenter Star for the New FO Challenge.  Only did a couple of squares. The AYOLF is just taking all of my time.  But it is my next one for September!!!  I always wanted to do one.
  • Start the single swoon quilt.

Now I'm going to buckle down and work like a maniac to get it done.  My promise to myself.  Lets see how good I am.  Did I mention that I started working at a new high school??  I'm crazy!

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