Friday, October 3, 2014

October is here...

A Lovely Year of Finishes And we're starting to turn on our furnace.  It's still warm enough to wear a jacket vest, but at night it is starting to cool down.  The trees have most of their leaves still, and most are green, but here and there (especially the vine plants) leaves are starting to turn.

My quilting has started to turn as well.  For my New Year's resolution I promised myself I would be more of a presence online, meet others from other places online and get myself networked to quilters all over the world.  Well I certainly did that!!!  I joined 9 blocks of the months, where every month we make a new block that at the end up becoming somewhat of a sample quilt.  I started them in January, and my last "A Lovely Year of Finishes" was one of those quilts fully quilted, binded, and right now is on my queen size bed because it's warm enough for the winter.  Makes me smile just thinking about it  ;)  

This month I have had directions from three of my BOM (blocks of the month clubs) to finish off what I've been working on.  Three at once!!!  All three I've kept up (slightly  ;P ) with maybe one behind on one of them.  But that's my goal, finish them.  I've selected one for "ALYOF", a purple quilt that is called "Globetrotting" by Pat Sloan.  And how appropriate is that with Pat travelling all over the US right now teaching, and exploring.  Her web site has great interviews on it, and the BOM was fantastic.  Thanks so much Pat, I follow you on Flickr as well!!!

So here is what it looks like right now......
My blocks - 9 of them

to this....
Pat Sloan's finished quilt.

Good luck to me!!!

Along the way I'll be catching up on some other blocks but that's another blog entry  ;)

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