Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Another weekend done....

I noticed something.  When I don't write down a list of things to do, then I'm in trouble.  I don't do half as much as I normally do with a list.  I think it's because I AM a list person.  Also  because my stash is tooooo big and its bugging me.  I know that comments sound stupid, but really, all these halff finished projects are starting to get on my nerves, so I'm finishing things off.  I've been quilting things, but not to the level that I want to do, so that's another thing that I've been working on.  So let me show you what I have done this week.  A bit of both.

Leasa from http:/ started a great group called "SewMyStash2015" which is exactly what it sounds like, a  support group to help you sew your stash, all those extra projects.  She also has challenges and the first one was to use your stash to make something Valentines, so here it is.  I used my stash and extras for everything, including my batting which was left over batting.  I'm so proud of myself.  What do you think?

Aurifil's small quilt - adorable!!
The back with my new Janome 6600 - love
the Quilting!!

Enough left over for a mug rug for my
Penpal in Tasmania!!

And I have a secret project going on, that I won't share until it's done.... Are you curious??!!  :0

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