Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Change of plans...

I'm still so sad about "A Lovely Year of Finishes" being over.  Shanna and Melissa did a great job and I had so much fun.  That's why I'll miss it.  But now, much to my happiness someone else has taken over, and I now can join Hiedi at Red Letter Quilts for the "One Monthly Goal".  She's going to keep it up, so the rest of you, come join the fun!!

I'm looking this month to finish a couple of quilts.  I know it's a big goal but I made a list of all the quilts that I have a pattern and material for, and I just have too much!!!  I even made a New Years Resolution to not buy any more material until I finish two quilts (and I'm in withdrawal right now).  So that's my goal.  The two quilts are the following:

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  1. To finish my paper piecing project of  "Quiet Time at the Zoo", I have two more blocks to complete, then put it together, and quilt it.
  2. My second goal is my Quilt Doodle Quilt.  I'm about to start the new one (come play!!!).  It's another Christmas quilt and you can't have enough of those to snuggle under in the winter.  It's so cute and the first one is a raindeer.  But enough of that, I need to finish this last one, and it's adorable....  I have the borders to complete this month, applique to add in the blank sections, then put it together and quilt it myself.  
Here's a sample of each so far....

One of the blocks from the Zoo

Part of the border done.  Border needed for 14 blocks.

So there's my goal Hiedi.  Lets have fun together....


  1. Cant wait to see more Zoo Blocks! Thank you for linking up with One Monthly Goal!

    1. Thank you for doing the One Monthly Goal Heidi. All the blocks are done now, and it's quilting as I go. It's so cute, I don't think I'll be able to part with it!!! This is really helping me finish all my goals for the year!!!


Changes - swap exchange, quilting gift, and changing my quilting room....

A lots has been happening.  I'm still subbing, and that means I'm still working as a substitute teacher for a little extra cash, but...

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