Monday, February 1, 2016

Goals for Febuary

 I did very well for January, I'm quite proud of myself.  Complete three quilts and started two new BOMs.  Although you think this is great I also look at all I have to do.  And a few new things have popped up.

Three girls at the school I work at are pregnant.  A group sent out an email asking for donations for a baby quilt for her.  Some people are upset and said that it was a bit insulting to the other two.  And I agree.  So what to do?  I know, I know, I'm making the other two quilts and I have to be fast about it.  One is soon to leave.  So here's my monthly goal, complete two baby quilts.

Looking into my stash (because I want to get it down) I found this:


Will put the yellow around the squares, then some of the jacks material.  So this should look good at an angle.

But just in case I have a backup with a panel my mom bought me in Manitoba.  So here is that and where its at:

And a close up of the pattern by Pieces of Heart.  Did I forget to mention a cousin who is pregnant as well?  Must be in the water and there are certain seats in school that I'm not sitting on!!!

So that's three baby quilts, two BOM (that month's block - from the Block Lotto, and Splendid Sampler and one queen quilt I want to quilt.  Anything else is extra!!


  1. I work at three schools and there always seems to be babies on the way--that's why I whip up a baby quilt anytime I see an interesting one and set it aside. Thanks for reminding me it is time to take an inventory--I know for sure of one baby arriving in June and I may already have the perfect quilting waiting. Good luck on your goal!

    1. Brilliant, I need to do that. I make those microwave dishes up now for quick gifts...

  2. Good luck getting those baby quilts done! Pretty panels you have - love the Dr. Seuss.

    1. Thanks Deb, there is also a huge flannel quilt stash of Dr. Seuss that someone gave me, but I don't have time to get that going this month.

  3. These will all be wonderful quilts for the mothers to be!

    1. Thank you June D. Can't wait to see your windmill's done. Loving the purple color. Need to make a purple quilt, I don't have many.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. So glad you're following along with the new Quilt Doodle Design!!! Now we can compare at school!


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