Friday, February 5, 2016

I've won!

OK this is a big thing for me because I've been blogging for 2 - 3 years now and after all that time I've won something!  Can't believe it.  Don't know what to do!  But to see my picture on someone else's web site is so exciting!!!  And of all sites - Quilt Doodle Designs, a great site I've been following all of those years with such a talented designer.

I've made two of Cindy Staub's quilts from her BOMs and this is my third one.  I have to brag about the other two.  Take a look below of these great designs:

This one from 2014 has stars all in the background that looks just like snow.  In the end it is thick, with christmas lights, skates, stars, the cabin in the woods, the cups of cocoa, candy and the final row, the snowman.  I love this quilt.  It's so roomy and cuddly.

The quilt below is the 2015's BOM and very special.  Every month you got a scene to create that is to be a special thing of that month.  This quilt brings out so many memories of my home town, and things that I've done.  Cindy hit the right memories for me.  The special thing that was done on this quilt was Cindy left 4 blocks empty for you to embroider something on them, a saying, or to put a design of your own favorite thing.  I stitched out a saying that I love and try very hard to accomplish every day:  

It's not the years in your life, it's the life in your years.

This is just a tease of a picture.  This Sunday I'm reviling  pictures of my progress throughout and the entire quilt.  Just waiting for a sunny day in Vancouver (waiting for the rain to end if it ever does  ;)  

Thank you so much Cindy.

Here's the schedule coming up!!

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